Invisible string :)

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" i dont know." Nick laughs. " its like theres some invisible string that keeps you both together." He adds and i suck in a breath. My mouth goes dry and my eyes un focus.

" what?" I ask. He just smiles warmly like my world hasn't just been turned upside down. Matt has only ever been my best friend.

A couple weeks ago...

Its the first day of winter and theres snow! Nick had the idea of making snow men for a video. Me and matt vs Chris and nick.

" i didn't bring any gloves." Matt whines. Im wearing my new teal velvet ones but i brought an extra pair for matt. Bright pink ones. " here." I say. He laughs but takes them and puts them on.

" okay, get ready... and... go!" Chris says and i gather as much snow into a ball as i can to make the bottom of the snow man.

Matt is making the top part and when we put it together it looks pretty solid so i make buttons and eyes while matt grabs some twigs for arms.

" those buttons look so cool." He says and i smile. He puts the twigs on and i put the carrot we brought. " hey unfair!" Nick protest because they didn't bring one. " sucks to suck." Matt teases and i smile.

After the snowmen are finished its decided that me and matts is obviously way better. I offer to make hot chocolates at my house and they jump at the offer.

" i cant feel my face, its so cold." I say, i forgot my scarf at home. Matt chuckles and throws his around my neck. " its already warm." I smile and he laughs.

I look over to see nick smiling at chris and they exchange looks, smiling at each other. " what?" I ask. " nothing, just cold." Chris excuses and i raise a warning brow. We head back to my house for coca and to warm up.

" lets go to my room." I say and walk upstairs. My parents are downstairs in the living room reading and my brother is taking this time to watch his cartoons he missed durning school day.

" when do you have to be back home? Or do you want to stay over." I ask, they have been staying over for years. " no. I mean we cant." Matt says, his cheeks flushing back up red.

" okay. Dont worry about it." I say and put on the tv, we cant find anything so we end up just watching the office. Chris is asleep and nick is scrolling on his phone. " matt, Chris is asleep." I whisper and turn round to see matt asleep on my pillow.

" matt." I whisper and his eyes fly open. " huh? What!" He exclaims and i smile. " you fell asleep." I laugh and he shakes his head. " my parents wont mind you staying over." I point out and his face goes blank, as if i just asked him to commit murder.

" are you okay?" I ask. " yeah! Im fine. We have to head back. NICK. CHRIS." He shouts and the boys jolt awake and matt claps his hands and escorts them out the room.

" thank you for today, i enjoyed it." I say while matt grabs his stuff, getting ready to go home. " me too." He says and shoots me a smile before heading downstairs. I turn the tv off and wait for the front door to slam closed before i sit there and question what happened.

I remember matt falling asleep on my shoulder and then basically looking at me like a crazy person when i recognised. " another girl." I question to myself and pull my duvet over my head with a sigh.

A week later...

Me and the triplets are eating lunch, im taking bites of my sandwich when Nick and chris stand up. " we have gym, see you later." They say and head off. Gym is in another building and theres only 5 mins of lunch left. I wave goodbye and watch matt stare at them walking out.

" i should probably get to class too." Matt says and scratches the back of his neck. I nod and tilt my head, as he grabs his backpack i grab mine too. " where are you going?" He asks. " ill walk with you, i dont wanna sit by myself." I explain and follow him out the doors. He's two steps ahed of me and when he heads inside to the bathroom. " see you after school." He laughs and pushes into the bathroom.

After school i go to the parking lot to see nick leaned against the car. When everyone gets here we drive home. The car stops outside my house and i invite them in but matt declines and makes up something about needing to be home.

Later that night...

The snow is clouding my window and the gravel turns white. I called nick and he says everything's fine with matt but i dont believe him.

" i need notes for school, im heading to nicks." I say and my mom raises her brow at me. I look crazy. My pyjamas, snow boots and my puffy jacket.

" okay, dont stay out long. Its cold! 30 minutes missy." She says, a stern look on her face with a finger pointing at me. " i wont." I say, smiling breaking her pouty face.

Chris answers the door and i smile and push past him. " is matt in." I ask. " yeah, his room. Why?" He asks, his head tilted at me already taking my shoes off. " thanks, can i go up?" I ask, my foot hovering on the step.

" go ahed." He smiles and i rush up the stairs and pound on matts door. " Chris i already told you to fu-." He starts. " its me." I say. " oh, come in." He says and i open the door and plaster a small smile on my lips.

" heyyy." I say and mentally smack myself for being so cringy. He smirks and i sit on the edge of the bed.

" hi." He replies. " okay, im not mad but. Why are you blowing me off." I ask. His face turns pale and blank. I dont want to press harder but i want answers.

" im not." He defends himself, he intertwines his fingers uncomfortably and i look around the room awkwardly. " okay, im not stupid, did i do something because you wont hang out with me and your acting weird." I ask, all i want is for us to be okay.

" is there a girl?" I ask, wagging my eyebrows and he shakes his head, his cheeks turning pink. " theres not." He presses. " because if there is- ." I start. " its you." He interrupts me and im caught of guard. Me? Whats me?

" What? I- i dont get it." I stammer and he shakes his head, he sits up and takes my hands. " i like you but i didn't want to say anything to make it awkward." He explains and my mouth hangs open.

" i dont know what to say?" I stammer. Matt sturniolo just rendered me speechless. " you could say you like me back." He teases. " unless you dont." He fumbles and i sit up and wrap my arms around his neck. " NO, no i do. I really do." I fumble back and he presses his forehead to mine.

We sit there like that before he kisses me. My head feels fuzzy and my stomach dips in a good way. I hold his cheeks in my hands and kiss him back.

When we both pull back i smile and he does too. My head feels fuzzy and i feel like im floating above air.

" oh my..." i smile. " i hope thats good." He says. I nod furiously and he smiles pressing his lips to mine for a quick peck.

" i have to go, i only have half and hour." I say, sitting on the edge of the bed, half hoping i could just stay for a week. I dont want to leave. " ill walk you home." He says, i stay silent before he stand up and searches for my hand.

The walk home is nice. All of my body is hot apart from my cheeks. When i see my house i stand to face matt.

" what do we do now." I say. He shrugs. " whatever we want." He says, smirking. I kiss him and smile too. " definitely that." He says and i wave when i reach my door.

" whats with you." My mom asks when i have a smile stuck on my face and my cheeks are still flushed. " nothing. Night." I say and float to my bed. The replays of tonight play in my head and just make me feel even more above air. Matt kissed me. ME! HE WANTED TO KISS ME!


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