Watch a movie with me, please?

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" is it too late for me to come over, i really want to see you?" I ask the phone pressed between my shoulder and ear. I hear matt moving around on the other side of the line and i put my nail polish away and blow on my nails.

" you left literally this morning." He asks, " is everything okay." He asks. I groan and roll onto my stomach.

" i just want to see you." I whine and i hear him laugh. " please, cherry on top?" I ask and he is still laughing.

" you can but seriously is there something wrong?" He asks. " i got my period and i just want to cuddle up with you, and my whole house is pissing me off." I ramble and he tells me to come over whenever and he will put on a movie in his room.

" see you in 10 baby, love you." I say and blow kisses into the speaker. I grab my phone and put on my shoes and call to my family im going to matts.

" be back for 12, have fun." My mom shouts and i wave goodbye.

The best thing about living on the same street as matt is i can head over whenever he lets me and he can show up to my house when he pleases. I walk a couple blocks and im at his front door. I knock because im totally uncomfortable with the idea of just walking in.

Mary lou answers and squeezes me, she must have rushed because i see matt running down the stairs to get the door. " mom i was coming." He grumbles and kisses my head.

" i wanted to tell y/n she dosent have to knock anymore. We all love you." She says and rubs my back. " i just feel awkward, ill try." I reassure her and kiss matt. She walks back to the house to do whatever she was doing, Chris in on his phone and he walks down the stairs.

" oh hey y/n, back again." He teases and i flush red and nod my head. " hey y/n, are you here to hang for a little." Nick asks and sits on the couch with a bowl of popcorn.

" yo where is the skinny pop, did you eat it?" Chris asks, pointing at the bowl of popcorn.

" no that shit is nasty." Nick pulls a face and Chris walks to the kitchen.  " y/n come and watch tv." Nick asks and matt shakes his head.

" shes my girlfriend and shes here to hang out with me." Matt says, annoyed and leads me upstairs. I sit on his bed and he passes me the remote to put on a movie.

" ill be back." Matt says and ducks out the room. I flick through Disney plus and i think about putting on a marvel movie but decide against it. My hormones are raging and i want a good cry. " the proposal it is." I whisper and pause it at the start.

" what we watching." Matt asks and emerges back in and has two cans of soda and a bag of chips in the other.

" the proposal, i need to cry and it makes me cry all the time." I ramble and stop when i see matts sour expression.

" its so bad! Its just obvious they would fall in love." He argues and i take a can of pop and start the movie. " sit down, next to me." I clarify and he wraps his arm around me and i ball up into his chest.

We watch the movie and at the end my eyes are brimming with tears and matt is trying not to laugh at me.

" its so cute that he loves her so much, matt." I whine and cry into his shirt. He laughs but pats my head and kisses my hair.

" it was kinda of obvious." He argues and i fake punch his chest and he pulls me in and i cry, for no fucking reason.

" ill walk you home." He laughs and i grab my stuff and say goodbye to everyone.

" what happened, why are you crying." Nick asks me and Chris looks up and stares at the two of us in confusion.

" ryan Reynolds loves Sandra bullock". I weep and Chris just backs away slowly. Nick dosent hide his amusement and laughs at me.

" they love each other matt." i whine and he shakes his head knowingly and rubs circles on my back.

" im walking y/n home its too dark, be back in a little while." Matt shouts and wraps his coat around me because it wad warm when i walked over but now its turned cool.

When walking home matts arm is wrapped around me and i look up to see a bird sat by itself on the wall and i ball up. " whats wrong baby." He asks and i point to the bird.

" its all alone matt, its so sad." I cry and he laughs and walks me to my door, i open the door and my mom runs to me and looks scared because im crying over a fucking bird and a movie.

" shes crying at the proposal and a lonely bird." Matt tells her and she laughs but kisses my cheek. " you need to sleep sweetie." She coos and walks me up to bed. I blow a kiss to matt and he's out the door. I get in bed and send a text to matt.

"Sorry for going crazy on you, ill be the birds friend." I text and wait for a reply.

"Its totally good, ryan Reynolds is pretty sweet." He texts and i smile and lock my phone.  My phone pings again and i check the recent text.

"I love you even when your crying about a lonely bird." He texts and i want to screen shot it. Thats the cutest.

" i love you too, thank you matt. I owe you, come over when you want to cry to a movie and cry about lonely animals." I text and he sees it but dosent reply.

" love you." He replies and i leave it, i dont text back i fall asleep with the text printed into my mind.  '

Me, even when i ugly cry!

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