Ski trip (2)

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Its the first full day and I've been up since 8am. Im tucking into a bowl of cereal on the sofa while watching New girl, the parents are sitting at the dining room table planning our day.

I head to the bathroom at the end of my bedroom hallway and the door is unlocked, i turn the shower on and lock the door. I brush my teeth while i wait for the shower to warm up. Once i step in the shower im instantly warm, my muscles loosen up and i sigh. I wet my hair and shampoo it.

I put on my thermal leggings and a hoodie, sliding my love heart fluffy socks over my leggings. Even though the lodge has heating and a great fireplace theres still a chill.

" okay everyone in the cars. Skiing!" Marylou says and we all grab our ski suits and we usually rent skis for a couple of hours when were there.

I get into the back seat i was in on the drive up and matt sits in-front of me, i have to look at his stupidly amazing hair the whole way there and smell his cologne.

" ooh its cold." My mom quips as she opens the door. I slide on my suit so i didn't have to sit with it on the whole drive. I get out and my nose is instantly icy. We each rent skis and then i sit next to nick on the cable cart up. Im not a huge skier but i know how to do it.

" oh my god, look at that guy." Nick points to the person doing flips as he's going down the huge slopes. " fucking show off." I scoff and we both laugh. It feels good to be laughing with nick. He's always been my favourite not that i would dare tell Matt and Chris.

The car drops us off and we sett of down the hill, the cold air hits my face as i glide down the hill. Its amazing, i could scream from all the adrenaline. As soon as were down we head for the carts and head back up.

After an hour i spot the parents drinking coffee, i take off my skis and head over. " here she is." My mom cries and my brother and the triplets are also on a table. " why didn't you get me." I say, shoving Nathan across so i can sit next to him. " No rush honey." Mary Lou says.

My mom gives me a 5 dollar and i get a hot chocolate to warm me up. I sip it and get whipped cream all over my lip. I lick it off and the boys are talking about football, i wish i had my book.

" so what college are you going to?" Justin turns to me and asks. I smile that someone is actually talking to me. " im going to NYU. Studying lit." I say. His eyebrows shoot up and he smiles. " woah, amazing." He says. I smile and nod. " its scary but once im there ill love it." I say, more to myself to reassure myself. " yeah of course kiddo." He says. " im 18." I groan and he laughs. I drink the rest of my hot chocolate and i say im going to head back out.

"Ill go too." Matt chirps up and he slides out the booth. I grab my skis and dont wait for him to catch up. We get on the cable cart and he looks at me and im waiting for him to say something.

But he dosent he just keeps glancing at me. The cart drops us off and he's straight down the slope. I set off after and the cold breeze feels good against my hot cheeks.

" so NYU." Matt says when were on the cable cart again. " yep, it should be good." I say and suck in a breath. " its far." He confesses. Does he care that ill be all the way in new york?

" well ill have a dorm there, and I've already met some people going." I say. " yeah, you'll do great. All the way in New York." He says, i feel the bitterness in his comment but i decide to just turn my eye and ignore him. Nope fuck that!

" why do you care?" I ask. " i dont." He replies and i shake my head. " its a good program so why do you care that ill be in new york, you broke up with me! You dont get to have an opinion." I say, he nods and opens his mouth to talk but were dropped at the top of the hill.

" Y/n." He calls but im already setting off down the hill. I dont want to hear what he has to say. I storm right to the cafe and its only Chris and Nathan left. " you okay?" Nathan asks. I nod and matt storms in after me, stopping when he sees Nathan and Chris. He turns silent and just slides in across from me. I scroll on my phone until the rest come back in and we decide to head back home.

As soon as we get in i go to my room to tie my hair up and then i grab my book and my headphones. I sit in the living room on the sofa and my mom gets a jigsaw out. Everyone does there own thing but my dad helps my mom.

At 4 Mary Lou asks about dinner. My dad offers to make a bolognese. Everyone agrees and my dad makes a comment that he has no pasta or garlic bread. " ill go to the store, Nathan drive me." I say and he shakes his head. " nope." He replies, i deflate and then matt walks in and offers to take me. The whole room has turned to look at me, i suck in a breath and nod. " thank you." I say, matt gets the keys from his dad and i get into the car.

Were silent the whole car ride, matt grabs a basket and follows me around the store. " in sorry about what i said." He says. " its not what you said its how you said it." I scoff and put in dry spaghetti in the basket turning on my heels to find Garlic bread.

" im sorry, i am. Please talk to me." He says. " just leave it, you dont care so just drop it." I say and put the garlic bread in the basket. I want a soda so i grab a can before going to self scan.

" i do care. Ill miss you. Just because were not together dosent mean i dont care." He says. " yes it does. That's exactly what it means. Or you wouldn't have broken up with me." I say. I scan the stuff and put it in a plastic bag. I grab my card and matt stops me.

He grabs my hand and it sends electric shocks up my arm. " ill pay." He says. I snatch my arm away and tap my card on the machine.

" i dont need you." I say. I grab the plastic bag and storm to the car.

Matts pov:

" i dont need you." She spits and i watch as she storms to the car. I know you dont need me but i want you to want me. I cant believe i broke up with her, im such an idiot.

I get in the car and we drive home, i dont try to talk to her and i just let her be pissed at me. We eat bolognese and then Y/n somehow convinces the parents to watch a rom com. They watch the proposal and my mom loves it.

I cant get over after every romantic part in the movie y/n loves it. I wish i could show her how much i love her.

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