I guess hes cute - fake dating pt2

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Matts pov:

When i wake up the next morning the thoughts of me and y/n flood back from yesterday. Everything felt so normal between us.

I get dressed for school and go downstairs for breakfast. Nick is eating cereal and Chris is half asleep on the counter. " oh matt, here you are. What happened with y/n yesterday." Nick asks and i shrug, drinking some apple juice. I put my bag on the floor and nick raises his brows.

"Okay, Ethan was at her house yesterday so i sat with her for a little bit. Not a big deal." I say and nick physically relaxes.

" okay, she just seemed happier last night when i called her." He blurts and i down the last of my juice and grab my bag, motioning for the others to get ready to go.

We drive to school and out of a hundred kids piling into school i only notice y/n nodding her head along to the music into her ears. I smile and park. Chris heads to math because he has to see his teacher before class and nick sees someone from photography so he heads off. I walk in preparing myself for english when i see y/n walking up to me. She smiles widely and my body turns hot.

" hey matt." She says and hugs me, she brings her head close to mine and out the corner of my eye i see Ethan staring right at me.

" just go along, Ethans looking." She whispers in my ear and i rest my hand on the end of her tailbone. She wriggles under my hand and she lets me go.

We walk to class together and soon enough its lunch. I walk to the cafeteria and y/n is say drawing at the lunch table with nick and Chris walks over. I grab my lunch and sit down.

Y/n dosent look at me and i deflate a little. I eat my sandwich until Ethan walks over. " not sat with your little boyfriend now?" He asks, smugly and i roll my eyes.

" im not because he makes me feel that secure that i dont have to be sat next to him all the time." Y/n retaliates and i smile. " whatever." He spits and i look up to see Nick and Chris clearly shocked.

" boyfriend? What happened here?" Nick ask and y/n shifts uncomfortably. " shes my girlfriend." I say and their eyes bug out their sockets.

Y/n's pov:


Did he just say that?

I freeze in my seat and then look at matt calmly explaining our "relationship" to them. I smile and laugh and grab his arm. " i want a soda, wanna come with me." I say and he nods. I walk out the cafeteria with my hand wrapped around his wrist.

" you want a Pepsi or?" Matt asks and holds a dollar to the machine. " i dont want a Pepsi matt!" I whisper- shout and he raises his brows.

" but you said-." He says and i huff and cut him off. " i know what i said! Why did you call me your girlfriend?" I say and he shrugs his shoulders. " i thought it would help you out." He says and i bunch my hands into fists, that remain at my sides.

" y/n its a good idea, Ethan will leave you alone." He points out and it pains me to say he's right. It would help.

" what would you get out of it?" I ask and he shrugs. " i guess a hot girlfriend." He laughs and it turns my body cold. I freeze and he laughs. " if it helps you then its fine." He says and i drop my head.

" okay then your my boyfriend." I say and he smiles. " your so lucky." He jokes and i swat his arm. " okay, now i really want a Pepsi." I say and he laughs feeding the machine his dollar. I open my can and he rests his arms around my lower back and kisses me after we sit at the table.

Later after school i go to the triplets house and i head to matts room. I sit on his bed and he sits on his desk chair awkwardly.

" listen we need rules." I say and he nods. He sits next to me and i think of a list.

- only kiss if needed.
- matt drives y/n to school and walks her to class.
- do not tell anyone its fake (not even siblings)
- y/n helps matt with his homework.
- y/n goes to matt's lacrosse games and dresses up.
- no staying over at others houses.
- matt dosent have to pay for y/n and y/n dosent have to pay for matts things in dates.
- a date 1 time a week. Even if 10 mins.
- matt and y/n will always be there for one another!!!!!!!! Obvs.

Authors note:
Sorry this might be like 5 parts but enjoy. Im re reading the love hypothesis and forgot how much i LOVE THE FAKE DATING TROPE!!! Love yall.

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