Summer guest - cmbyn (1)

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My family owns a villa in somewhere in northern Italy. Near the town of Crema. And today triplet brothers are coming to stay for the summer. I sit in my bedroom with the doors open while i draw and listen to music. I hear my parents talking and then i look to see a baby blue car pull up with three brunet boys in the back.

" MARIE, we have company." My father calls and i head downstairs and meet them in the doorway. " Salut, je suis Marie." I say and shake their hands.

" im nick, thats chris and thats matt." The tallest one introduces and i smile. " puis-je prendre vos bagages?" I ask and my dad laughs. " ils sont américains." My mom explains and i laugh. " sorry, can i take your bags." I say and they nod. " thank you." They say in unison and i lead them upstairs and to the far side of the house. " three rooms." I say and hand back their bags.

" im going to sleep off the travel." Matt says and heads into his room, leaving it ajar so i can see him flop onto the bed and stuff the pillow under his head.

" ill be in the front garden if you want to hang out." I say and they smile. I go to the garden table and chairs and sit there and read my book. The air is warm but theres a cold breeze. Just the perfect weather.

" hey, Marie." Nick says and chris is following behind a botte of water in his hand. " matts asleep but were bored." He says and i check my watch to see its 2:30 pm and we eat dinner late so we have plenty of time.

" wanna go biking in the town?" I ask and they nod. I lead them to the shed and they each grab a bike. We ride for about 30 minutes to the near town and theres an ice cream stand. " on me." I say and they thank me and we each get ice cream.

There are table and chairs so we sit and they ask me about my family. I kind of wish matt was here. " so do you live here full time?" Chris asks and i shake my head. " just summer, i go to school in America. And we celebrate Christmas here too." I say and they smile. " its so nice here your lucky." Chris beams and thank him. " its nice, but i dont really have any friends. Just the people that visit for the summer." I say and they nod along.

I check my watch to see its around 5 so we should probably get home. " lets go, dinner is around 6." I say and they follow me. I take them through the country roads and theres hardly any cars so we can talk to each other on the bike. " does matt always sleep alot?" I ask. " yeah." Nick laughs and i just ride the rest of the way in silence.

When we get back i head up to my room to clean up for dinner. I change into a baggy shirt and some jean shorts. I wash my face and spray some perfume.

Everyone is seated by the table including matt witch is wearing shorts and a pinkish shirt. His skin is glowing in the late afternoon sun. He looks amazing. I have to force myself to look away but the only seat left is the one opposite him.

" sleep well." I ask. He smiles and nods. The food comes out and we eat. My mother asks the brothers  questions about them witch they happily answer. " ever been to Italy?" I ask. " no, this is our first time." Matt states and i nod. " well take care of you." I say and they thank me.

After dinner my parents stay outside to smoke because they dont think it's appropriate to smoke inside when we have visitors. We sit in the tv room and watch a french film. I cant figure out how to switch to english.

" i dont get this." Nick says, he's sprawled out on my fathers arm chair. Matt and Chris are laid back on the couch. " i cant get anything english, been trying for years." I laugh and nick says he's heading up to bed.

" good, tomorrow we have a-lot to do." I say and he smiles back. Chris follows him but matt stays on the sofa, his eyes fixed on the tv.

" what did you do today." He asks. " we went to Crema on bikes and got ice cream." I say and he frowns. " sounds nice." He replies. " ill take you another day." I promise and his face turns pink and i say im heading up to bed.

I get into bed and i stay awake until i hear matt walk past my bed and into his bed. I hear light snores follow and i drift asleep.

A/n: THIS WAS A START TO THE 3-4 PARTER STORY, its a bit boring but its gonna get good. Stick with me. Pls. I wrote this bc im obsessed with call me by your name rn. Watch it its acc good.

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