Cute small imagines bc im so delulu :)

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1 - hiding in plain sight :)

Me and matt are sat on our bed going through the family album y/n's parents gave her when she packed her stuff up to move in with me. Its a photo album from her birth to 16.

Were flipping through it until she turns the page to reveal a picture of her and a brown haired little boy stood with trophies, hers bigger. Her smile bright and shiny and he has a frown.

" thats me?" I say, shocked. I remember loosing that spelling bee. I was so exited to maybe win my parents both came to see, my brothers sat proud in the stands with the other kids. I hated when i lost.

" thats really me?" I say. She scoffs. " really?" She asks. " yeah, thats crazy that we did meet when we were kids." I say and she smiles bright.

" i cant believe this, im showing my mom." I face time her and she tells me she recognised matt but she didn't tell me because she knew we were meant for each-other. Since first meeting in the first grade.

" you were both hiding in plain sight." She smiles and tells us goodnight, i blow kisses before hanging up and now when we flip through the photos at school we see each other in the same school photos. Theres one when it was our 5th grade play, me and y/n playing trees. Her face bright and a huge toothless grin. 

" aw, we were meant to be." She squeals and i smile. I nod and kiss her, she holds my head and then pulls me close, hugging me so tight.

2 -  clingy asf :p

For once in LA there are clouds and rain. We all have stuff to do. Nick is editing and chris is in a meeting, matt is editing a video for his personal channel and i have some college work to get on with, me and matt are both propped up on the sofa working on separate laptops. He has headphones on and im listening to a podcast through my AirPods.

When im finished i slide my laptop onto the bedside table and then rest my head on matts shoulder, i kiss his cheek and ask if he wants a drink, or a snack.

He asks for a snack. I go down and get us some soda and a bag of chips. I keep trying to wrap my arms around him and he soon asks if im okay. " yeah, why?" I ask. " i dont know you just seem... clingy." He asks.

" oh, sorry." I say and move away. I just look at him and want to hold onto him and never let go. Like its a genuine urge to just hold him close to me.

" im sorry, i dont want to sound like a dick." He says and kisses my head, cracking a smile. " hey, im almost done, if you want to pick something to watch we can cuddle." He says. I smile and search through Netflix and just decide to continue watching the office.

He puts his laptop on the beside table and he opens his arms so i can crawl into his chest. We wrap our arms around each other and i hold him close. 

3 - "your the only one who understands"

I work at a restaurant near mine and matts house. Its a little Italian restaurant and its really busy that everything is happening all at once in my head. Its all too much.

I take some food to go and walk the 10 minutes it takes to get home. On the walk home i get upset because its all just so overwhelming.

I open the door and finally feel like i can breathe because the house is silent. " matt, i got dinner." I say and he sees my red face.

" are you okay?" He asks me, he turns me so im facing him. " no! Im so overwhelmed." I say and cry, he pulls me in and sits on a chair and i sit on his lap.

" is it all just too much, thats okay. Just let it out, everything's okay." He coos and kisses my cheek repeatedly. " i just feel stupid, i bet no one else is crying." I cry and he tells me to stop. " its okay, everyone has a release and its good you can be emotional. Its okay." He says and i smile.

" thank you, you always know what to say." I say and he smiles. " theres a pro of us both having anxiety, i know how you feel." He says and i nod. " are you okay or do you want to take some time to calm down." He says and i shake my head. I say im okay.

I put the pizza on the middle of the table and we he tells me stories about their meeting today, Chris spilled his soda all down his shirt. I laugh and im thankful for the distraction. Sometimes its like he's the only one who understands.
4 - sleepy z

Its late night after filming and i flop in bed and fall asleep. " can you rub my back, please." Matt whispers, i keep my eyes closed but i rub my hands up and down his back.

I turn over and kiss his shoulder and keep my eyes closed. I hear his soft snores and so i rest my head against his back.

I wake up with my arm wrapped around his torso. He smiles when he sees me wrapped around him.

A/n: SO REQUESTS ARE STILL OPEN IF YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS. You can request for this or if you have any ideas for Chris or Nick then feel free to request and ill write it on my other book for all three teiplets:))) THANK YOU!! <33

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