Summer guest - cmbyn (4)

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The next morning i wake up but matts not in bed next to me. Did i dream last night?

" hey, you missed breakfast so i just brought coffee and toast." Matt says and walks in with a cup of coffee and a slice of toast, with a bite taken. " my hero." I smile and eat the toast. Great, i didn't dream last night.

" its so hot today, lets just spend the day at the river." He suggests and throws open the doors to the balcony and i join him. Memories of last night come rushing to my head. Me confessing my love. God im cringing thinking about it.

" sounds good, daisy wants to come over earlier, she likes chris." I say and he smiles. " i figured, shes not very discreet." He laughs and i do too. I finish the toast and tuck my legs under my butt.

" let me shower and change, and get nick to call Rocco." I say and matt laughs and kisses my forehead. I kiss him back and then push him out the room. I shower and put on my bikini and when i get downstairs Rocco and daisy are walking in arm and arm. " Ciao." I say and hug them. " come in." I say and we head down the garden to the river.

The boys are already there and i head to matt. Rocco says hello to nick and they both sit and talk. Whereas daisy is pulling chris into the river, shes smiling and splashing and i see chris smile too.

" everything's perfect now, i dont want it to end." I say and he nods. " me either." He adds. I swim around and he swims after me and wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me into him. " ill never find anyone like you." He whispers in my ear and i kiss him, in front of everyone.

I look around to see if anyone saw and i see nick smiling. " Bitch we all knew, your not discreet." He says and i burst out laughing. I hug matt close and he kisses me again. I stand and lead matt back to the house and my mother has left some juice in the kitchen. I pour two glasses and join him on the grass, Wich is warm under my skin.

When dinner is served daisy cant pay any attention to anyone other than Chris. We eat pasta with fresh baked bread. Rocco and nick are talking and there both starting to ease up because there both not beet red.

After dinner daisy has to go because her mom wont non stop calling. She finally gives in and kisses Chris after getting his number.

Soon everyone floats to bed and the tv room is empty just me watching tv. I hadn't even realised everyone leaving. I sigh and switch off the tv. When i get up to my room i see a piece of paper on my bed. ' meet me by the river at midnight. Please?' Is scribbled on the paper. I smile and put on a hoodie because the weather has turned cooler.

" hey." I whisper, he turns around with a bright smile across his face. I hug him and he kisses my hair. We lay on the grass banking next to the river. The grass is cool against my skin and my hands locked around matts. We sit in silence both our eyes closed and i can hear him breathing and my heart thumps through my chest.

" im going to miss you." He blurts and i nod. " me too, you can come back. Whenever you want." I tell him and he smiles, chuckling to himself. " you can visit me too." He offers. " my mom would love to meet you, she loves any of our friends." He says. Friends? Friends dont kiss.

" is that all we are, friends?" I ask. He shakes his head furiously. " no, not at all i just didn't want to say girlfriend unless we both agree that we want to do this." He says, he's smirking and i can see the glint in his eye. I lean over and kiss him. " oh yeah i wanna do this." I say and he smiles.

We lay out until it goes too cold to stay outside. I head up to my room and he trails behind me. Nick is in the kitchen getting water and someone pops up behind him. Rocco.

" shh." I say to matt and shove him upstairs. I go to my bed and he goes to his room, but i kiss him before going to bed.

The next morning...

"Guys, you must come back." My mom pouts and kisses all their heads. Their suitcases are packed and their car is here to take them to the airport. Daisy is hugging chris, shes nothing but smiled all morning. Rocco is giving his number to nick, to stay "friends".

But the thought of them leaving turns my stomach inside out. I cried last night because even though i will go to them and they will come back it makes me sad i wont see him everyday.

" come here." Matt insists and brings me closer to him. He kisses the top of my head and pulls me in close. " i dont want to cry in-front of everyone." I sigh into his chest. " follow me." He whispers and slips out so no one sees. He grabs my hand and tugs me to the river.

" we had our first kiss and this is the last." He says and kisses me. " for now." He adds and i smile and kiss him back. I hear my mother calling matts name and groan. Already? I sigh and touch my forehead to his cheek. " im not ready to say goodbye" i groan. " its not goodbye." He says. And kisses me before heading to the car.

The next couple weeks suck. Every morning at dinner its just empty. Neighbours come for breakfast but its never the same. I call matt every night and he sometimes texts me throughout the day but its just depressing.

A month later...

Im standing at his front door. Okay its September and my feet feel like there going to drop off because its too cold here compared to Italy. But its all going to be worth it when i see the big grin on his face.

" someones here." Someone shouts on the other end of the door and i see nick. " oh my god! Y/n." He says and hugs me. I smile and he lets me in, grabbing the bag off my shoulder.

" Nick dont fuck about." Matt says, hes running down the stairs. " NO WAY! Y/N!!" He shouts and lifts me into the air and kisses me. He feels so good to hug after so long. " told you it wasn't goodbye." He whispers and i smile and laugh uncontrollably.

He shows me to his parents and they offer me hot chocolate to warm me up. Mary lou is the best and jimmy makes me laugh too much i feel like my head will explode. And i realise matt is just a mini version of jimmy.

" i missed you." I say and he smiles. Im laid on his bed and he's not taken his hands off me since i walked through the door. " me too, but i do miss the warm weather." I say and he laughs and i just stare at him because im in utter disbelief im here. Everything's okay!

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