Summer guest - cmbyn (3)

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The two weeks between our kiss and now has been the most frustrating weeks of my life. I see him everyday, his hot skin glistening under the sun. And i want to kiss him all the time but we havent gotten a moment alone.

I need to see him.

" hey." I say and he's lounging about eating grapes. Nick and chris went into town with my parents. " hi." He shoots up and i sit across him on the table.

" i just realised i didn't have your number." I say and his brows rise. " oh, um...sure." He says and he shows me his number off his phone. I copy it into mine and kiss him. " thanks, want to do something." I ask and he nods.

" yeah what?" He asks. " you play tennis?" I ask. He shakes his head and i stand up and hold out my arms for him. " ill beat you anyway, im great." I say and he scoffs and follows me.

We head to my neighbour's tennis court and grab the rackets and ball. " ill serve." I say and he nods. I serve and it lands out of bounds. " 1." I shout.

He serves again and i whack it back, he attempts to hit it back but it hits the net on his side. " your making it easy." I accuse him and he laughs.

We play until clouds pass over and the air turns cold. " wanna go back its cold." I say and he shrugs. " yeah, i wasn't going to win anyway." He says and his face turns sour. We head back into the house and everyones back.

" where were you guys." Nick asks. Chris is in the tv room watching my father's favourite Italian show. They both dont mind that its not english.

" playing tennis, she beat me." Matt says and i smile. " of course i did." I say and my mom kisses my head when i step around her to grab some water.

" dinner will be earlier, the cook is taking today off so ill be making dinner for around 5." My mom announces and i smile. " good, ill take them to the club." I say and the boys look at me funny. " i thought you were 17?" Chris asks. " i am, they dont care." I laugh and the boys look surprised.

After dinner were getting dressed to go out and matt looks amazing, his off white linen shirt and black pants. " looking great." I whisper and he thanks me. Im wearing a sundress and some sneakers. " i like your dress." He says and i blush. " thank you." I say and turn away flustered.

We grab the bikes since i cant drive yet, i lead them to a bar for people around our age. Its more a dance floor outside and an added on bar, Wich dont care how old you are. Ive met a couple of friends by coming here a couple time.

" ciao." I shout and Daisy turns around. Shes fully Italian and i only know the basics to carry a conversation. " ciao chi sono questi bei ragazzi." Who are these hot boys? She asks and i laugh. " nick, matt and chris." I say pointing to them. She has her eyes on chris and i pull matt to the bar.

" want a drink." I ask and he nods. " a pepsi." He says and i cock and eyebrow. " what? You dont want alcohol." I ask.

" im good." He says and i shrug my shoulders. I get the boys their soda and i get the red cocktail, i dont know whats in it but its sweet and tastes good. We go to the table everyones crowded around and there smoking. I never liked it but most people do. " lets dance." I say and matt follow me, holding my hand. The music isn't that loud but its enough to block peoples talking out.

Im jumping and swaying my hips and matt just awkwardly shifts from foot to foot. I smile and wrap my arms around his neck and we dance together.

" look." I say and point to Daisy and chris on the dance floor. Shes a big extrovert and shes dancing crazily, her hair is hitting his face but he keeps on smiling and watching her.

Matt leaves to get me another drink and i see nick and my other friend Rocco talking back at the table.  Rocco is really awkward so his cheeks turn pink and he's chain smoking because he's so awkward. I walk over to them and ask if anyone wants to come over for dinner tomorrow.

" mafalda is making carbonara." I add and everyone agrees to come around, even Rocco. Nick smiles and i throw him a kiss when i head over to matt.

When it turns 11 peoples energy declines and chris is almost falling asleep with daisy's head on his shoulder.

" lets head home." I clap my hands and people perk up. " yes." Nick cheers and he says goodbye to everyone.

" see you all tomorrow." I say and we ride back to the house. Its dark so we take the street ways because of the lights. We dont talk and when we get home my parents are asleep in the tv room. I turn the tv off and they stay asleep.

" meet me on the balcony outside my room in 5 mins." I say to matt and kiss his cheek. I take off my dress and change into a baggy shirt and bed shorts. He walks in 10 minutes later with pyjama shorts on and no shirt.

" i thought you forgot about me." I say and he smiles. " how could i ever." He says, we sit on the chairs on my balcony and i close the door to my bedroom.

" you will. When you go home." I say, frowning. " marie, trust me. Ill never forget you." He says and i smile faintly. But lets face it when he gets home its going to be inconvenient to travel here and me go to him. Lets be honest it will last a month and then fizzle out.

" your only here for another week, thats all i have." I say. He frowns and grabs my face and our foreheads rest together. " i want this to last forever." He whispers and i nod.

" i want you forever." He says and i kiss him. He kisses me back and when i pull back i cry. " i dont want you to go." I reply. " im sorry." He says and i hug him close to me.

I head to bed and he watches as i bundle myself  up in my duvet. " let me sleep here, one night." He asks. I nod and smile. I open my arms for him and he wraps my arms around him. I kick my legs over his torso and kiss all down his neck. And i fall asleep watching his chest rise and fall. And his snores send me to sleep. With him.

A/n: IM WRITING THE NEXT PART RN, pls omg im gonna cry 😭😭

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