Rivalry. {pt.1}

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" are the Sturniolo triplets going to be at this party?" My dad asks, pulling a sour face at me. I nod my head and see the anger rise in his face.

" they live around here, why wouldn't they go?" I ask and he shakes his head. " i dont like their father." My dad huffs, i roll my eyes because this is probably the hundredth time my father has told me the story.

The sturniolo's dad was my fathers best friend, but my dad was set to inherit some company, but at last minute it got handed to the sturniolo's dad. Not my dad. And he loves to bring the story up every time he sees, or hears the sturniolo's.

But what he dosent know is they are my bestfriends, and i hang out with them all the time, my dad would have a heart attack if he found out. It would probably send him over the edge if he found out i had a crush on matt!

" okay im going now, ill be late home. Dont wait up for me!" I shout and head down the street a couple of blocks where i see Nick, Matt and Chris parked up. I hop in the car and they start down the road immediately.

" dad okay?" Chris jokes and i laugh along too.

" he's good, still hates you all." I laugh, but at the same time it sends a pang of sadness through my heart.

" ill make him get over it one day." I promise and we pull up to the biggest house in our gated community. The Sinclair household. Their mother and father co own the biggest banking company in the world. They have two sons, Marcus Sinclair, he is the trouble maker. He is hosting the party.

Troy Sinclair he is the one son that is on his path to following his father footsteps. He is doing his baking degree and it set to inherit the company when his father becomes to unable to run. He is still very high up though, he is already a manager to one part of the company.

" the house scares me." I choke and swallow my nerves. The boys nod and get out the car, their awe evident on their faces.

"It almost feels like we shouldn't be here." Nick whispers and i snap out of whatever's wrong with me and i pull them all to the front door.

" we all live in this gated community so that means we are all eligible to go into this house and have the best fucking night ever." I tell them and they all back away like i just told them off. I ring the doorbell.

" heyyy, y/n. Come in!" Troy slurs and i smile and walk in. " oh hey boys." He carries on and he takes me to the drinks table to see his brother.

" you met Marcus." He asks, i nod my head and hold out my hand and he pulls me in for a hug instead.

" can i get a drink?" I ask and Troy nods and lets me make a drink for myself.

" you driving or something, get a real drink in the cup" he shouts and i shake my head. " i dont really drink." I say and try to excuse myself but he already has his hands around mu shoulder and he's leading me to his friends. This is going to be a long night.

After a couple of hours im on the dance floor with my neighbour and her friend. I see matt sat on the stairs and i decide to go over and see if he's okay. " whats up." I ask and he smiles when he notices its me.

" im just not feeling it tonight." He says, i look down at my cup and throw it in the trash. I miss.

" lets go, ill get Nick and Chris." I shout over the music and he nods his head. " wait here." I say and he remains on the stairs, sipping his cup.

" lets go, i want to go, im not feeling it." I shout to the boys and they follow me out after saying bye to everyone. We walk to the stairs and Chris sees matt on the stairs.

" Matt, were going y/n wants to go." He shouts and matt smiles at me and thanks me when the boys are ahed of us. " dont worry about it." I say and we are stopped at the door.

" dont go y/n." Troy whines and i smile and tell him im going because i feel sick. He tells me he will see me later then. What does that mean?

" lets go, he's freaking me out." I say and we all head to the car. Its only 10:23 when we get in the car. I still have until 1am for my curfew.

" shall we grab food at the diner, its still early." I say and they all agree and we head to the diner for some late night pancakes. A tradition.

" god how much did i drink, i need to pee so bad." I say when the food is set on the table. I pee and when i come back the others have cleared their plates.

" okay." I say and eat my meal. I pay the bill as a sorry for dragging them out the party. I ask them to drop me off a few blocks down the street and they agree but drive slowly to make sure i get in the house before they go entirely past.

" sweetie its only 11, what happened?" My mom asks and i shake my head. " nothing." I reply. I sit on the couch next to them and they look at me and expect me to elaborate.

" troy was getting on my nerves, i just came home." I sigh and my dads face lights up at the mention of the richest sons name.

" Sinclair, Troy Sinclair". He repeats. I nod.

" yeah he was putting his arms on my shoulders and i wasn't in the mood." I say and my mom gives me an apologetic face and my dad just smiles. Sits and smiles.

" this is awesome. My daughter and Troy Sinclair. Ill talk to his dad." He says and i shake my head and plead him not to. He's already walking off with his phone in hand.

All i want to tell him is matt is the only one i want, Troy is a dick. He's your cliché stuck up rich kid. Yes matt is wealthy but he cares for family and others.

Matt is the one i want. Not Troy!

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