Your still our little sister.

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Y/n's pov:

" fuck you." Samantha yells and she rags my hair. I see my reflection in the bathroom mirror. A mix of tears and snot run down my face and my eye is starting to bruise.

" please...please, stop." I beg and she smiles and smashes my face into the tap, my nose hurts so bad and my nose is bleeding so bad its starting to stain my lips and teeth.

" fucking whore." She spits and her and two other girls kick me and walk away. I cry and try to wash the blood off, im in the stall when i take a couple and the pain is gone for a little bit.

I stay in the bathroom until the end of the school day and i skip getting a ride with my brothers and i walk home, its only 30 minutes. I get the pills out my bag and take the whole bottle when im 20 minutes away from the house, i walk straight to my room and fall asleep.

Chris' pov:

"Y/n, dinner. Where are you?" I shout, i knock on her door and i dont get a response. I open the door and i think shes asleep so i walk back out and we eat dinner.

" Where is she?" Nick asks. " asleep, ill make her a plate." I say and they nod, we eat dinner and y/n still isn't awake.

" ill check on her." Matt says and i nod.

Matts pov:

I head up to y/n's room and when i knock on the door theres no reply, i burst through the door and tap y/n on the shoulder.

" wake up." I say and she isn't responding, my heart races so much and i turn her on her back and she isn't responding to me.

" HELP, SHES NOT RESPONDING." I shout and Nick and Chris come rushing up. Since mom and dad aren't here we decide to drive her to the ER.

Y/n's pov.

I wake up and i see a bright light shining in my eyes. I feel wires all over my body and i look up to see my brothers passed out on a hospital sofa next to me.

" shes awake." Chris whispers and i sit up quickly but im shot down with the terrible pain to my stomach.

" stay laid down, ill get the doctor." Nick says and leaves the room. I see matts eyes are bloodshot and my heart aches.

" why did you do it." Matt asks and i shrug. " dont know." I reply. I try to close my eyes but i feel a hand grab mine.

" you dont just decide to kill yourself for no reason." Matt says, his voice is calm but i can tell he's angry. " You guys never noticed all the black eyes? I get beat up at school like everyday." I say and tears are falling down my face but it hurts to lift my arms.

" sorry, we never noticed." Chris sniffs and i shake my head. " got the doctor, hell talk to you about going forward." Nick says and places a hand on my shoulder.

"Okay so were going to start by keeping you in overnight to manage your pain and then there is a space in an institution for mental health to help you manage your feelings and that course will last about a month. And its totally voluntary but its highly recommended. But we do need a parents signing." The doctor explains and my head hurts from the information.

" will i be on medication for my pain." I ask and he nods. " we will only give you the meds you need when you need them and we wont allow you to be in charge of your own meds." The doctor says and i relax.

" yeah, ill do it." I say and he smiles. " good were going to get you washed and out of bed after the pain meds, maybe get some food and the we will get a therapist to talk to you to set up a plan for your recovery." He says and i nod.

" mom and dad are coming back today." Nick tells the doctor and then follows him out to talk about the institution.

A few weeks later.

Im doing a lot better and i ended up extending my stay to a recommendation of 3 months in recovery, I've had a couple meltdowns but now im settled in i get visitors. My brothers are coming to bring me clothes and books and art supplies while im here.

" y/n!" Chris exclaims and hugs me. Nick follows while matt hands in the bag of stuff over to the receptionist to do a search.

" ill show you around." I say and they nod. I show them the art therapy room, witch is where i spend most of my time. I show them the cafeteria and then my room, i share with another girl and she nods to my brothers, shes in for the same reasons as me. " we can talk in the visitors room." I say and they follow me.

" how are you?" Matt asks and i smile. " im good, i want a cheese burger so bad." I joke and they smile. " we couldn't bring you food." They say and i shrug. " im on a plan anyway, i need to be care-full because the tablets burned my stomach and some foods can react bad." I say and they nod.

After we catch up and they tell me about their lives and school. I ask them if they want to play. " I've earned points and i have 20 and its 3 points a match." I say and they smile and follow me to the games room.

" how do you get the points." Nick asks. " if i eat and go to group therapy i get points." I explain and Chris walks back in with the ball and paddles.

Me and nick play Chris and matt and we win.

" visits over were going to start group therapy." The nurse says and i frown. I hug them all and wave to them in the doorway. Chris puts a thumbs up and thats when i know ill be okay.

The day i get out everyone comes to pick me up. I switched schools for people with mental health issues and i do the work and also have therapy sessions.

I take all my medication and i even graduated with my family and brothers in the stands. Even-though no one in the audience knew what i went through i knew.

A/n: i have my messages open so anyone can talk to me if you need someone to listen to. Stay safe and just remember that your all amazing people and im here to talk.

Requested by idrkwhatishouldsay

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