Daylight (1)

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" I dont want to look at anything else now that i saw you."

Its my first day at red arrow prep and my roommate is already getting on my nerves. She has heavy metal music through her headphones. Shes nodding along and drawing in her notepad. I unpack my clothes and set up my room.

I flop on my bed and look over to see its already 9:20. Lights out is at 10 so i head down the hall to the vending machines. I push my change in and get a bag of Fritos. I get some sour patch kids and then head back to my room.

I watch greys anatomy on my phone and soon fall asleep. " id get up, breakfast finishes in 30 minutes." My roommate says. She walks out the door and i jump up and get dressed. I put on my uniform consisting of a red plaid skirt and a maroon jumper over my shirt.

I brush my teeth and grab my backpack and head to the dining hall. I scoop eggs and fruit on my plate and sit at an empty table. Some people turn to look at me and i just ignore them and eat my food. I read and three people sit themselves at my table.

" hey. We usually sit here. So i guesss you can be our friend." A tall brunette boy says. The two other girls laugh and i crack a smile. " oh hush. Stop being mean." A girl swats his arm. She has hazel eyes and cherry red hair.

" im Mateo. Thats June and shes Nicole." Mateo announces. I smile. " im Amy." I smile. "Well Amy. What class do you have first?" Mateo asks. " umm, social studies." I say. " sucks we have debate class." June says, pulling her red hair into a ponytail.

They show me to english and i walk in to a half empty classroom. " name?" The teacher asks. "Amy White." I say. She nods and crosses my name off. " take a free seat." She says. I spot an empty row at the back and grab my notebook and sit back in the chair.

The teacher starts and the door opens as shes talking. A tall brunette boy walks in with clear blue eyes. " just sit down. I dont want to hear any excuses." She sighs and dosent even turn around to sense its him. He walks up the stairs and i pray he dosent sit on my isle. But he does. And right next to me.

" hey. Your new. Ive never seen you." He says. I nod. " i just got in yesterday." I say. He nods and turns to the teacher.

After a couple minutes he turns to me. " do you have a pencil?" I nod and pass him one. He smiles. He pops in an earbud and then sits on his phone. Laughing to himself. I roll my eyes and the teacher announces a project.

" matt, pay attention." She shouts. The guy next to me perks up and nods. " so there will be a project. And before anyone asks i already have random partners. So each pair i have assigned a crime case and you have to analyse the criminals behaviour and what behaviour led to their crime and downfall and getting caught. You need to write an essay and turn into me in 3 weeks." She explains. A few people roll their eyes and the rest groan.

" the list of partners will be on my desk. Come and look then you are dismissed." She says. I pack my stuff up and head to the front. I see my name next to Matt sturniolo's and i only know the one matt.

" fuck sake." I whisper to myself and head to my other class. I sit in debate and i dread working with matt i dont even realise the class' attention on mine.

" Amy, your opinion?" The teacher asks. I shake my head. " on what?" I ask, i sit up straighter and he sighs. " the death penalty." He sighs.

" um, i think its fair in a certain situation where the crime is murder. If not then i dont think that its fair. I wouldn't punish someone who shoplifts with the death penalty but a murderur then i think its fair." I explain. He nods and some students write some things in their notepads.

" well done. Any one disagree?" He asks. Someone shoots their hand up and she smiles before opening her mouth. " i think its inhumane. I mean dosent killing someone for justice make you just as bad as the criminal?" She asks.

" fair point to. Anyone want to add." He asks. The bell rings and he shakes his head. " we will finish this next lesson." He says. I leave the room and follow people to the dining room for lunch. I get a salad and see Mateo and Nicole at a table. " hey." I say.

" hey, did your classes go well." Nicole asks.
I shake my head. " no i have to work with Matt For a social studies project." I complain. Her eyes almost bug out her head. " Sturniolo?" She asks. " yeah. He's an ass." I say, disgusted.

" oh my god. He's so hot. And so popular." Nicole says and i roll my eyes. " he's an asshole." I spit and bite into my salad. " he's walking over here." Mateo sing songs and he is he's already pulling out the chair next to me.

" hey y/n." He says. " hi." I reply. He smirks and moves closer. " aren't you exited to work with me." He asks.

" not really." I say. He raises a brow. He moves close so he can hear my heart thump in my chest. " why? I dont bite." He whispers and i exhale. " uh-." I stutter. " unless you want me to." He replies and bursts into laughter and walks off with his friends.

Nicole raises a brow at my red cheeks and i just ignore them and eat my salad. Fucking matt sturniolo.

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