Enemies to lovers ;)

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I hate matt sturniolo, and i cant even tell you why. Its like i just woke up one day and he hated me. Every time i went over to hang out with Chris or nick he would roll his eyes and leave, acting like i was a rodent.

" hey matt." I said as i walked into the kitchen to find Chris, he just rolled his eyes and walked out the room, not even looking at me.

" hey y/n, dont pay attention to him." Chris assured me and we went to the movies to watch a movie we both really wanted to see.

And just like that he didn't hate me and i noticed him paying more attention to me and he didn't walk off any more. I dont know what flipped his mood but i didn't really pay attention because i had a boyfriend who cares about me.

" hey wanna come over to Connor's house for a party, just around 50 coming." I asked the boys and they all agreed to be there. When it was tome for the party matt avoided me all the time.

" play beer pong with the girls, im gonna see someone." Connor told me and kissed my nose Witch i liked. I smiled and played until i was too wasted to care about anything.

I danced in the centre of the lounge for a bit, the buzz made me feel good and i found Chris talking to some other guys. " HEY, have you seen Connor?" I ask and he shrugged his shoulders. " i dont know, i last saw him go upstairs." He says and i nod and make my way upstairs.

People were making out left and right so it didn't make me feel anything when i saw Connor sucking the face of some girl on his bed, i even had to do a double check to see if it was even him. I couldn't believe my eyes.

" what, Connor?" I asked my eyes trying to adjust to the dark room they were hiding in. He looked at me wide eyes, a deer in headlights.

" Y/n, please. WAIT." He shouts and chases me out the room, pulling his pants further up. I slam his door on his face and run down the stairs. Matt is sat on the couch when i run past everyone onto the front lawn. I stable myself on the front wall and i hear my name but i have no idea who's calling my name.

" y/n are you okay, here." Someone offers me water and i think its Connor so i slap the cup away from me. What did i need from him?

" go away Connor." I shout and i hear a sigh. " its matt, please let me help you." He says and supports me at the waist and lets me sit in the front seat. I sit and dig the heels of my hands into my eyes, i cry. I dont care that matts here and is probably so disgusted. Why didn't Connor come after me?

" he's a dick." Matt breaks the silence and i can help myself but laugh. " what? And your not!" I accuse him and he looks taken back. " im not." He defends himself and i turn to face him, i never realised how blue his eyes were until there was dark lighting. I guess i never looked at him in that much detail.

" you deserve better, i hope you know that." He says and i smile. " and thats you?" I ask and he leans forward, shrugging.

" i could make you Very happy." He says and i feel the blush in my cheeks. I scoff and look away, I cant look at him.

" y/n i want to make you happy, please. Im sorry for being a dick but i just couldn't deal with seeing you with him all the time." He says, gently, taking my hands in his. " i want you, so bad. All I've wanted is you since i met you but i just thought you never liked me." I say. His eyes light up and become glossy.

" really." He asks. " dont bullshit me, im crazy about you." He warns me and i smile. " let me kiss you." I whisper and he nods and leans in. I push my lips to his and wrap my hands around his head, ruffling his hair.

" im sorry." He says and i smile and just sink my lips back into his. He smiles and he asks to drive me to theirs. " come and sober up." He tells me.

When we get to his house i follow him to his room and he gives me a change of clothes. I lay down in his bed and he joins me. " i can sleep on the couch." He says. " no, i want to feel close to you." I say and he nods his head and awkwardly sets his arms around me. I dont mind so i hold his hands on my chest and i fall asleep listening to soft snores against my hair.

Never did i think that i would be in matt sturniolos' bed. In a million years.

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