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Im genuinely so sorry these are taking long im just tired and busy, but i forgot who requested this so tell me in the comments and i will give credit!!!

" wanna come and carve pumpkins with us for the vlog?" Matt asks and i quickly agree. He tells me we are going to the pumpkin patch tomorrow and we are picking our own. I love fall and i shout yes down the line. So. Many. Times. " YES." I shout.

" ill be at your house for 8am." He tells me and i jump up to look for my most fall outfit. " okay, ill have to set an alarm." I joke and he laughs.

" ill text you at 7 to make sure your up." He chuckles and i thank him and we talk on the phone for a little before i head to bed.

" see you tomorrow, i love you." I say and he blows kisses into the speaker and i hang up and fall into bed.

*The next day!*

'Are you up?' I get a text and see matt has remembered to text me to make sure im up.

" i need to shower." I whisper to myself and then head to the bathroom and frantically get myself changed. I change into some light blue jeans and a plait shirt, with my red converse.

" im leaving the house right now." I say and hang up the phone and walk the boys and Alahna sat in my driveway.

" hey guys, hi baby." I cheer and kiss matts hair as i slide into the back seat. " sup alahna, its been so long. How are you doing?" I say and slide the door closed.

" im good, im exited to carve pumpkins." She says and i smile and we arrive at the pumpkin farm and the parking lot is empty. We all get out and separate down different isles and find our pumpkins.

I walk down the third isle and see a baby pumpkin and pick it up, i find a huge one on the other side of the isle and grab both.

" y/n you ready, were all done." Chris shouts and i nod and meet them at the checkout register. I put my big and baby pumpkins on the side and they all laugh and side eye me.

" your telling me it isn't the cutest." I say and hold up my baby pumpkin. We drive home but make a quick stop at the nearest target to get some tea lights and snacks for carving.

" ill go in, so were not here for fucking hours." Matt says and i say ill go too, because i want to look at the herbal tea selection. " im going to look for tea, you get the rest." I smile and walk off and pick up peppermint and a fruit tea. I also buy hot chocolate powder and marshmallows for making hot chocolates.

" y/n, where are yo-." Matt trails off and his eyes widen when he sees all the shit in my arms. " i left you for like 3 minutes." He accuses me and i laugh and pile my stuff into the shopping cart.

" im gonna buy it." I whisper and he shakes his head and i follow him to the check out. He buys the shopping and then we head to the car and drive home and set up to film.

" alright lets go." Nick says and starts to record and we all grab our knives and start to carve.

I carve a face into my big one and once im done i move onto the little one and cut into it and put on vampire teeth.

" awh its so cute." Alahna says and i smile and hold it up. " yours is so good." I squeal and matt holds his up for me to see.

" done, hows everyone doing." Matt asks and everyone tells him there done. " ima light mine up." I smile and put in my tea lights. We put them on the porch and then i smile at mine next to my big one.

" lets go in, want a hot chocolate." I ask and link my arms in his. He nods and kisses my hair and links his arm in mine and follows me into the kitchen.

He sits on the chair at the island and then watches me while i add the marshmallows into the mug. " bet your glad i got these." I say and he laughs and we sit on the sofa and i watch him scroll on his phone.

" ill walk you home." He jolts me awake and i lift my head from his shoulder and nod. " put your shoes on and my coat is on the hooks." He says and takes the mugs in the kitchen.

I put on his puffer jacket and slide on my shoes. Matt takes his hoodie and slides on his shoes and we walk down the side walk, my hand in his.

The fog has started to set and its cold out, my hands are warm but the tip of my nose is cold. " my nose." I whine and he kisses my nose and i smile.

When we get to my front door he kisses my goodbye and i watch him from the window and wave him before i cant see him from the window. I get into my pyjamas and set under my covers and scroll on my phone before falling to sleep.

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