Neighbour hood crush! (Pt.1)

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Requested by 16parkerz

Matts pov:

I see her looking out her window again, looking at her window. I get im new but no need to swear my love. I walk away from the window and get dressed for school, going to start the car.

Me, chris and nick get in the car and she is walking out her house, a slice of toast stuck out her mouth. Someones in a rush!

I guess shes cute, she has these beautiful green eyes and shoulder length brown hair, okay, shes beautiful. 

Y/n's pov:

Oh god, he's so handsome. He's getting ready and i just happen to be looking outside, maybe at him!

Shit he's seen me! Look away y/n!

I go downstairs with his face fresh in my mind and i see my little brother sat at the kitchen counter eating his breakfast.

" ohh, toast!" I say and take a slice out the toaster and add butter and jam, my favourite combo! I check the clock and realise im late. Fuck.

" i gotta go, love you." I say and head to the bus stop and see that the bus has already left. I sit at the station for a minute, its taking me a second to realise I've missed it. My mums gonna kill me!

Matts pov:

" oh hey, matt. Stop for that girl. I know her." Nick shouts and taps my shoulder. I look up and see the girl from my window sat at the bus stop, tears brimming her eyes. Okay, ill stop.

" okay, fuck dude." I say and i stop and she looks up and nick rolls his window down and her face visually softens.

" hey, y/n do you want a ride?" Nick asks and she smiles, and nods. She gets in and gets the seat directly behind me.

" thank you, i missed my bus. I dont know why!" She explains. I know why. Its because you were staring at me. Wasn't it?

" no problem!" I reassure her and smile through the wind mirror, she sees me and blushes. 

" thank you! I wont miss the bus anymore!" She laughs and her and nick walk to their first  class together.

Y/n's pov:

Oh no i can never miss my bus again, hes so handsome. But never again. 

Then again maybe he likes me?

I go into school with nick and we go to our first class, english. We work together and we are partners for our new upcoming project.

" come on and eat lunch with us?" Nick asks and piles food on his tray, i smile and head over with him. He's hard to say no to, really!

When i sit down, matt, chris and alahna are already sat down and of course the only last seat is next to the one and only matt. Of course.

" hi, how was english." Matt asks and i feel my cheeks heat up.

" it was good, what did you have?" I ask and start on my sandwich and he looks relaxed.

" i had maths, shit." He answers and i smile at his response. We eat the rest of our lunch just listening to the others chat. Comfortable silence. The best kind of silence!

Oh i hope im not wasting my time!

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