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c h a p t e r: 2
u n e d i t e d

"Alright class we have a new student here, where is she?" My English teacher, who presented himself as Mr.Woods, seemed nice. I raised my hand up and all eyes were immediately on me.

"Welcome Miss Gonzalez, nice to meet you and I hope you enjoy Bishop Ireton." He threw me a warm smile and I returned the gesture. The lesson was nice, we got a book we should be reading for the next 7 weeks, it sounded fun and the book seemed interesting. After the class i had lunch, this school didn't have many classes, just long classes. The schedule only had two to three classes each day, but they were around two and half hours long.

Riley and I went to the cafeteria and we ready much about each other after she interrogates me and we found out that we had a lot in common actually, which was good. We sat down with our plates of food and she started to talk to people and other groups in the school. She told me to look around to try and spot the various groups in the school. Riley told me that this school is very stereotypical with both hotties and notties.

"You see the fake blondes over there, the tall girl with the big brows is Ciara, a senior and the schools most popular girl. Ciara is like every guys wet dream here, she's like the female version of Harry Styles. Her two friends around her is Jennifer and Blondie." I nodded as I frowned at the name Blondie.

"Its her nickname, her real name is Fiona. They call her Blondie because her IQ level is lower than a rocks'. I know the name is very stereotypical but she'd been call that since the third grade apparently. They say she got that name because one time she said that 40 minus 1 was 38, but when she grew up she probably figured out some guys like stupid girls, so she got laid." We both chuckled at her words but it was ridiculous that they still would tease her about it.

"Ciara is the queen B, well at least she thinks she is but she's not. She's a slut, shes like slept with over 96% of the guys here. But my sources has told me that Queen B has one crush on one of the guys." Riley said before sipping on her apple juice.

"Who?" I asked after I took a bite of the food and she did the same before answering my question.

"He should be here soon, his name is Justin Bieber.... There he is." She said as she pointed at a tall-ish boy, maybe 5'11, he had his light brown hair in a quiff, and the most beautiful Carmel eyes ever, with plump pink lips. His body is very well built. He had on black jeans the uniform shirt, and might I say, he looked really good in it. I understand why someone would go after him. He looked in my direction and even cliche it sounds, all the butterflies that I had earlier, came back and color filled my cheeks. He smiled before sending me a wink.

"He's the schools most popular guy, but how can you be that sexy and not get attention? You see the 3 boys behind him? The one with darker brown hair, who's is also in a quiff, his name is Matt, Matthew Espinosa and the other one with blackish hair is Carter, Carter Ryenolds. The last one kind of by himself, but not really is Shawn Mendes. He is very popular, but he doesn't really hang out with them oh and he can sing. " They all looked breathtaking, not a single flaw in their apperences. I would not complain if I had their genes.

"They are the popular ones. Everyone wants to sleep with them because if you do, they have something to brag about to their friends. You're quite popular if they have slept with you. You're like 'selected'" she said dreamily. They took their food and sat down at the big round table. Matthew look in my direction again and poked Justin and he then looked at me too. I looked down at my hands, blushing.

"Oh my gosh they are looking at you!" She squealed and clapped her hands which made me blush even more since it got me more attention from other. I like being under the radar in school and I have my reasons.

"Oh don't be like that girl, he might be interested in you." She said smiling and wiggling her eyebrows at be but shook my head. How could a sex god think an amoeba is interesting? Its physically impossible.

"Oh no there goes Ciara, look at her." Riley said with a disgusted face. Ciara walked over to Justin's table and they looked at her with a neutral expression. She had the uniform skirt too short and the shirt was also too short, showing everything, and she had way too much makeup on for my liking. She also had her, fake, blonde hair straight down. She talked to them and seemed very clingy, her laugh was very fake and everyone could see how hard she was trying. Carter, Shawn, and Matthew rolled their eyes at her, laughing.

"Its just disgusting, look at her." I heard Riley in the background as I witnessed the awkward moment at Matthews table. When we were done with our food, we walked out of the cafeteria and towards our next class. I felt someone tap on my shoulder, which made me quickly turn around. My eyes widen when I saw who tapped on my shoulder, Justin.

"Hey you're the new girl right?"


Heyyy how are we liking the characters so far??

Does anyone remember Matthew Espinosa, Carter Reynolds, and Shawn Mendes? (Of course Shawn Mendes) they're from magcon


Anyway, should I add a chapters page or just add on some picture of everyone!? Let me know :)

-Sam 💞

The Senior - j.b Where stories live. Discover now