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c h a p t e r:  42
u n e d i t e d

As I drove to my house I felt that special sense of happiness along with the feeling of disappointment. I knew I was going to say no, but I had to ask him about it last night. It felt good to be with her. I've never done anything like that even to Selena. I drove out of our mansion. I turned off the engine and walked to the house.

"Aye, Justin, man!"  Cameron greeted me as I entered. I followed where the voice came from and when I entered the room I saw Cameron naked with a brunette in his lap, riding him. 

"Cameron, come on, I eat on that couch!" I covered my eyes. This is not the kind of thing I'd like to see right now. The girl stopped and looked at me.

"Oh hello Stacy" I politely greet her while looking away.

"Hey Justin, do not be shy. It's nothing you haven't seen anything before," she chuckled, followed by Cameron. She was right, she was definitely not the first girl I ever saw naked. 

"How many bodies do you have so far?" Cameron asked as they dressed and Stacy laughed at his question, probably a bit tipsy. She would never do this if she was not drunk because she had class and good manners.

"I don't know" I shrugged. It's not like I told them, well maybe I do. They noticed my silence and Cameron laughs again.

"Probably lost count after 1,000" Stacy says and laughs, but she did not get me to join. There were several, but 1000? No.

"Shut up, Stacy, your list is probably just as long as Cameron's."

They gasped at my answer. Stacy had been sleeping with people long before she met Louis. Cameron told me everything. Stacy looked at me with wide eyes and I answered with a smile. I knew he did not like to talk about it. She wanted people to think she was a class and she was innocent but she was very different.

"Hey brother, don't talk about her like that" Cameron snapped as Stacy gave me an angry look that just made me laugh.

"I'm just saying the truth." I teased and left the room.

"Aye, Jase! How did it go with Hope? Did you get anything?" Carter asked as he walked down the stairs 

"It's none of your business, Carter."

"Should I take that as a yes or no?" 


Waffles or pancakes? Orange juice or apple juice? I looked inside the fridge for something to eat. My parents had sent me text messages that would work through the night and that Jake might be able to get home. I answered them but there was no answer. I was not hungry, so I went to my room, I wrote about last night in my diary. When I finished I began to wonder where my phone was. I looked around and was on the bedside table. I took it and saw that I had twenty lost messages with nine missed calls.

Riley had sent me 8 messages, Cindy five, Jake four, and Justin two. I read Riley's and I said that I felt a little bad this morning and that I was going to go to school tomorrow. Then, I texted Cindy back and also told Jake that i was at Riley's tonight. I was lying a lot recently, but they could not know I was with Justin in the woods, especially Jake. 

Then I read Justin's messages 

From: Justin 🤍 

Thank you for giving me a chance, I will not waste it and drink, we both know that it will be my girlfriend like kissing and hugging soon x -J

My cheeks flushed from what he wrote and I read it over and over again. That boy would never give up. 

From: Justin 🤍

What are you doing? Can I visit you? x -J

That was the last one and it was sent a few minutes ago.

To: Justin 🤍 

Nothing, yes if you want! 

From: Justin 🤍 

I'm outside, why dont you let me in!? x - J

I frowned at his text. I went to the window and looked at his big black Range Rover at the entrance. I hurried to the door and opened it. Justin stood there in tight black jeans and a red-black flannel shirt with a cross necklace. It looked impressive.

"Hey baby, I brought some pizza" He kissed me on the cheek and came in, I still in shock for all his actions. He came in as if this was his house and entered the room and sat on the couch

"Justin ...?" I had nothing to say and that was because I had no idea what to say.

"Yeah baby?" His words made me all warm inside and I blushed at his words. He motioned for me to sit down and did as he asked.

"How do you know I would say yes?" I was confused, but I liked her presence .

"I just thought my new friend would like some company, food and some movies."

I laughed. I wanted and was happy not to be alone. "Oh, thank you"

We searched for a movie and chose Titanic. It was a long time since I saw one. We saw and ate pizza as we were seated very close. After a lightning bolt in the film a scene came from which I had forgotten, in which the couple got a bit intimate in the back seat of the car. I felt very uncomfortable with Matthew at my side. I tried to act all fresh and did not bother the action on the TV. I probably changed position ten times and looked at the clock on my phone just so many times.

"You know the weather does not change much when you look at it twenty-four seven babe" He whispered very close to my ear. He put his hand on my thigh and felt like he was losing it. I was very nervous and I was speechless. I looked at him blushing and had a smile on his face. Our faces dangerously close to each other. He struck our lips together, the force made us fall on the couch.

- Sam. June 1, 2022.

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