
145 11 1

c h a p t e r: 14
u n e d i t e d

'What a loser'

'How embarassing to puke all over a senior at Justin's place'

'Wow, she has guts to come to school today.'

The last one was actually nice. But I still put my head down when I heard the other comments. I walked toward my locker and pulled out my book for my first class, biology. I didn't see Riley in the hall or anything.

"Hey pukey" I heard that horrible voice shout, I turned around and saw Ciara, with her little followers, coming towards me. I took a deep breath and ignored the horrible feeling that washed over me.

"My name is Hope." I stood up for myself for the first time ever.

"Well now it's pukey, it suits you. Ugly, like puke." Ciara said and I out my head down.

"And your clothing is....can't find a good word for it...disgusting." Ciara said her little minons laughed. So did I.

"Oh my god that's funny, I'm sorry but I think you forgot, you're wearing the same thing." Dang Hope, where did all this confidence come from.

She looked down and looked back at me, "but I can actually pull it off, you look like a fucking joke."I felt tears in my eyes and I was seriously tired of all of this already. I just walked away.

"Oh did she get sad? Ah you can't handle some jokes?" They yelled down the corridor. I walked faster, keeping my head down and suddenly I crashed into someone. I looked up and couldn't believe it. It was Justin.

"Hey be careful okay?" He said and gave me a smile. I didn't respond, I just walked towards the exit.

"Hey wait!" He yelled. I felt someone grab my wrist and turn me sriunf. I let out a sigh, I was so close to leaving.

"What?" I snapped at him followed by a quick 'sorry'. I didn't want to raise my voice at him like that, but I was very close to breaking down. I couldn't handle thing handle things like my past, not again. The human body can take my b but we all have a clear breaking point when the body says no. And I've been to that point and I don't want to go back.

"What happened?" He asked as I wiped away a few tears that had fallen and I looked at him. I took a deep, shaky breath.

"Nothing." I looked about and saw Ciara and her 'squad' staring at us.

"Yes there is. You wouldn't cry if it was nothing." He said and I just shook my head.

"Why do you care?" Then I walked away. I sat outside for the few minutes i had before class.

"Hope!" I heard Riley

"Sorry I'm late.... What happened to you?" She asked when she got up close enough to see my tears.

"Ciara and her friends." I said and then she gave me a hug.

"Don't care about then, come on. The class starts in 2 minutes."we walking inside, and luckily no one looked at me.


After a long boring day of math, biology, and English, I put my books into my locker, saying goodbye to To Riley.

"Hope, wait!" I turned around and saw Justin running towards me. I frowned.

"I usually walk with you, remember?" He chuckled and I gave him a fake smile. It felt weird, it was like he didn't humitate me at his party last night. He acted like nothing every hapoenedm he even threatened my life would he hell.

"Okay, let's go." I said as I looked away.

We'll walked along the sidewalk and talked. I told him sorry that I was a little harsh to him this morning. He was nice and forgiving and told me it was nothing.

"I heard that Ciara was being a douche to to you this morning, that's why you were crying." I looked down, immensely embarrassed. 17 years old and crying like a big baby.

"Yeah..." He noticed that I didn't want to talk about it, so it didn't push it any further.we arrived in front of my house and we both stopped.

"You know Hope, I still owe you a dance." I blushed. He remembered.

"Its okay" i said. He walked closer to me. Then he did something very unexpected.

He kissed me.


Who expected that?

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- Sam 💞

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