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c h a p t e r: 16
u n e d i t e d

We walked to class talking about the kiss and how justin and her have been texting back and forth. I knew that she liked him. Her talking about him always brought a smile to her face.

At lunch we sat at our table and people still called me 'pukey'. They looked at me and laughed. Justin and his friends sat at the big round table, as usual. Ciara and and her friends were sitting at the table next to them, drooling over them like a dog seeing a new steak.

After lunch we had some free time before class so we stood outside and waited for the teacher. As we spoke, I realized how calm it has been it has been. Not so much talk about 'pukey' like yesterday.

"Oh no, look." Riley nodded her head in the direction and I turned around and saw Ciara with Jennifer.

"Hello, slut" I sighed.

"I have one fucking simple thing to tell you pukey, don't fucking put your dirty, gross hands on Justin. I see how you're drooling over him. But guess what, he doesn't like ugly fat girls like you. He never have slept with one so get over it. He's with me and not you" the downgrading words hurt. Ciara was just like Johanna and Sophie at my old school, a bully.

"Don't talk to my friend like that." Riley snapped.

"Shut up slut." You could see the anger in Riley's eyes. The pain in my stomach came back and I didn't feel well, it was like I was about to throw up. I took a deep breath to calm down, and it did make me feel a little better.

"Just so you know, if you I swear that you won't have a single easy day." She whispered in my ear. Then she walked away with Jennifer as they laughed.

"Don't listen to her, oh my gosh, Hope how are you? You're so pale." Riley said while her eyes went wide. She put her hand on my forehead.

"I don't feel so good."

"I can see that, go home and rest. I'll worry about the classes you miss. Get well soon and i don't want to be alone for too long." We chuckled and said goodbye. I walked home and went straight to been the cold sheets made it better and I slowly drifted to sleep.


Matthew and I sat on the bench outside school talking. He waiting for Hopes friend, which I still don't remember her name. They had been texting and stuff and he decided to take her out to get coffee. What a softie. I texted Linda, a hoe I plan on fucking, and told her that I would be at her place in 30 minutes. Our chat got interrupted by my phone ringing. It was Selena. Another one of my fuck toys.

"Hey Selena. What's up." I answered and she chuckled.

"Hi Justin, I was just wondering what time would you be here?" Shit I forgot. I just made plants with Linda, well plans are plans. Fuck her and leave.

"Uh, hey I'll call you later. Matt's girl is coming right now. Bye."

"Bye." I hang yo the phone and sigh.

Matthew stood up and gave her a huge I fought with every cell in my body, not to throw up.

"Hi Justin." She said and gave me a smile. I didn't say anything. I just gave her a nod I stood up ready to leave.

"Matthew, we need to stop my Hopes house first."her name caught my attention and I turned around and looked at the girl.

"Why?" Justin asked.

"She went home after the thing with Ciara and she like a fever and she looked hella pale, so I told her to rest while I worry about her classes and she needs to study so I got her, her books."

Those words were probably the most important thing I've heard all day.

"I can give it to her." I blurted out.

"Why would you do that, Justin?" She asked surprised and I just shrugged.

"Because you have a date, so why not."

"Well you know where she lives, so I don't have to tell you. Here are her books." She handed me the books I gave her a weak smile and went to my car. I drove to her place. As I get there, I knock on her door. After a few minutes the door opens, there she stands.


I opened the door wondering who can it be, probably Riley with my books. My eyes widen when I see Justin standing there.

"What are you doing here?" I frown and he chuckles

"Hi, nice to see you too Hope. I'm here to give you your books." He hands me then and I lay them on the little mini table I have by the door.

"Oh sorry, and thank you for your time." Why did Riley tell Justin to give them to me? This is so embarrassing and awkward.

"Is it only the books or is there an assignment.?" He just shrugged. Only the books...great Riley.

"Well we had the same assignment last year so i know what do to. I can help you if you want?" He asked and I gulped.

"U-Uh yeah." He smiled and I opened the door wider for him to enter.


Hey guys!

- Sam 💞

Edit: ima come back to add more descriptions 💀 do you guys like pictures ?

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