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c h a p t e r: 45
u n e d i t e d

It hit me like a ton of bricks, the subject of dating. Is he serious? He asked me this weekend and I said no. If it were so for me I would consider it because it was very good and protective. However, if he would be as before it would be a no.

"I do not know, Justin..." I looked down at my hands, which had started to be very interesting these last few weeks in situations like this. I did not want to talk about this here when the other people were around. I had even forgotten about it, things had happened that made me forget it. Well forget it would be hard, but I had not been in my mind 24/7, maybe just 20/7. The more my mind was thinking about it, the more it sounded.

"Okay, let's talk about it later." He kissed me on the cheek, which made me blush. We sat in the pub for two hours, shared stories, good laughs, and I started to like these guys in front of me more and more as I got to know them more. All of them were different from themselves, but so similar, on the other hand, that led them to fit perfectly together.

Matthew was this nice guy, kind, sweet and very intelligent, but at the same time a bad boy because of his tattoos and smoking. Carter was the party freak, maybe the reason is because he's Irish. He was also very sweet. He is also very rough with his tattoos, but Carter did not smoke, or not so much. Shawn was the kind of funny jokes with tattoos and piercings. Cameron was the meanest boy of them all, with black hair, tattoos, piercings and smoking.

Justin had some tattoos and smoked. Even being such bad guys all were very athletic and crazy about the sport.

I heard my phone so I got up and walked out of the pub.


I replied, "Hey sis, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, just spending time with some friends"

"Since when do you have friends?" Dammit.

"Its just some friends from school, we are working in a group project."

"Oh, that's good, but I just wanted to tell you that Mom and Dad are going to work until ten tonight, so I thought I could go home tonight, so you would not be home alone and Hannah will join us if that Okay?"

Ugh, my parents worked too hard but I knew they loved their job and they were very good at it. I never said anything because I knew that they saved people's lives every day.

"Yeah, that's okay." I saw Justin leave the pub and head toward me. He frowned once he saw me talking on the phone.

"But I have to go now, see you tonight. I love you."

"I love you sis."

We both hung up the moment Justin arrived.

"Who was that?" He asked as he frowned.

"My brother, He just wanted to talk." I smiled and smiled back.

"So you've made up your mind?" He asked me and he looked into my eyes.

"Justin I don't know, I..." He put his finger in front of his lips making me understand that he shut me up.

"I know what you're going to say, that you will not be with me for what I did and I'm sorry."

I kept my promise and everything was fine so far, so I can not have another chance. with hope. He had a point with everything he said.

"I Promise you will not treat me like this again or worse in the future?" He nodded.

"Then I guess-" he interrupted me with a kiss. The kiss made every hair on my body bristle. He put his hands on my waist, closing the space between us. I put my hands on his shoulders and let them travel to his hair. Slowly he pulled back and pressed his forehead against mine.

"Say it..."

Looking at him, I give a big sigh. "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend."


Little chapter :)
Thank you guys! - Sam ❤️

The Senior - j.b Where stories live. Discover now