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c h a p t e r: 46
u n e d i t e d

Time did not pass quickly in Mrs. Kelso's classes. Stupid Mrs. Kelso was bothering us about some "unimportant" essay on English Literature. Jennifer was on her phone sending text messages to some of the guys she had been with in the past few days. I looked at Facebook while Mrs. Aburrida spoke.

My eyes caught something that made me gasp aloud. What the hell, ugh since when?

"What the fuck ?!"

Justin's status on Facebook went from being "single" to "In a relationship."

"Miss Daniels do not use that language in class please, and sit down!" She spat at me.

Relationship? That makes two of us, Justin.

When those words came out of my lips outside that pub a few days ago, it felt good. Only time will tell if I made the right decision. After some shared kisses that afternoon, we said goodbye to each other, then he took me to a restaurant and had lunch together. After he took me home, I went straight up to my room and lay down on my bed, and chatted with my boyfriend. It still sounds weird when I say it.

"Boyfriend..." I murmured in a whisper to myself and smiled.

From: Boyfriend 🤎

What are you doing, baby? x -J

To: Boyfriend 🤎

Chatting with you silly, but I think I'm going to bed now :)

From: Boyfriend 🤎

Sweet dreams babe x -J

I smiled broadly at his text. I answered and went inside my sheets. After a few minutes of thinking about Justin and I, my body went into a deep sleep. Dreams filled with hazel eyes, light brown curls and hoarse voice.

'Touch ...'

'Touch ...'

'Touch ...'

'Touch ...'

I opened my eyes to see where the sound came from. It was one o'clock in the morning and my curiosity seized my body. I looked around the room and it was empty. I walked to the window that I had forgotten to close. The chills running down my spine soon covering every part of my skin. I looked out the window as I closed to see if the sound came from outside. I do not see anything unknown on the street, mor or less.

Suddenly something black flew out in front of my window making me jump and let out a little scream as I watched him sit in the tree. When I saw the little bird I laughed.

"Stupid bird." I stepped back a few steps so I could close the curtains, but my foot tripped with something very strange. I was about to scream, but someone's hands covered my mouth, damn Jake!

"Shh ... do not scream baby" baby? I turned slowly and my eyes met the greens. I let out a deep sigh of relief ...

"Justin, what the hell ?!" My voice made a small cry / whisper. He laughed and released me and then kissed me on the lips. I kissed him back as he pulled me closer to him. He walked away, giving me a kiss on the forehead before placing his forehead against mine.

"I woke up and felt very lonely, so I thought I could come here, to see my beautiful girlfriend" he said as he looked at my eyes. I smiled at the cute gesture.

"Aww that's cute." I smiled and gave him a kiss on my lips. We walked to the bed and put the two under the sheets. My bed was a bit small for the two so we were very close to each other.

"What are you thinking?" He murmured.


"Really?" He frowned at me. The crescent light that passed through my curtains made his face more prominent.

"It's just that I've never had a boy in my room or in my bed, except my brother." I blushed, it was a bit embarrassing, but it was the truth. He took her hand to pull my chin so I would look at him. He kissed me and pulled her away.

"I'm glad I'm the first one." He smiled and I returned the gesture even though I thought it was a bit embarrassing.

"Do not be ashamed, my love, now sleep, we have classes tomorrow."

I leaned closer to him as I nodded. I put my head in his chest as I closed my eyes. I heard her breathing slow and calmer. I smiled when I heard his heartbeat, which beat at a fast but calm pace.


All love

- Sam ❤️

The Senior - j.b Where stories live. Discover now