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c h a p t e r: 52
u n e d i t e d

Justin and I had been trying for a few months to see if we could be together. We had kept it secret for my family. Justin had taught me how to climb safely out of my window to see us, I had come up there many times and when we were at school we were always together. Justin had been trying hard not to break, but it was a bit difficult, but he always promised me that would be fine.

Jake and I had been good and bad. We could talk if someone else was in the room, but when we were alone we almost never talked to each other. The only thing he was talking about was to get out of his way or ask me if I was still with Justin. I'm torn between my relationship with Justin and my relationship with Jake. I felt my heart say one thing and the brain say another. I could be with Harry, which would be good for the heart. Or I could break up with Justin and get back into my relationship between my brother and me and that would show my mind that I would always put my family first. But the last thing, I also repair my heart, to get my brother back.

I dress for school in tight black jeans and a knit sweater. I started to do some breakfast, but my gaze got Jake's turned on my heels and went to school. Me and Cindy had been walking everyday to school for the past month, which was nice. I always met her outside her house where she usually waits for me.

To: Cindy 💫

I'll be at your house soon, I'm sorry! I know you wants to be early :( x

As I arrived outside her house, she was ready to leave. She actually looked gorgeous. She had on black jeans, brown boots, an excessive navy vibe with a black knit sweater, red bow and a black coat. She also had a pair of prescription Ray-Ban and her hair was perfect.

"Well hello my supermodel" I greeted her with a smile and joined the laughter as he blushed.

"Hi Hope. You're not looking so bad either," she said as I blushed. We started walking to school and shared a laugh on the way.

When we got to school we said goodbye as I walked to his locker and approached mine.

"Hey baby" the familiar dark and raspy voice greeted me and her arms wrapped around my waist. I've pulled my body closer to his warm, long upper frame. I smiled as I placed my head on my shoulder.

"Hi." He gave me a kiss on the shoulder that made me blush. I took out my books and turned to look at it.

"You're here early." I smiled at him and he returned the gesture.

"And so are you." I connected our lips and I was grateful that there were only a few people in the room at that time. Suddenly, my stomach grunted and Justin walked away laughing. I looked down in shame.

"Have not you eaten this morning?" He kissed me on the cheek. I shook my head. I looked up at him. I frowned. "Why Baby?"

I do not know if I should tell him about Jake. Justin wanted to know what to do. The first time I told him that he was the same as before he got upset so every time he asked me I said he was okay, even though he was not.

"I was stressed." I shrugged and kept an expression that made me frown.

"You're here 45 minutes early baby, how can you be stressed?" I shrugged.

"Has something happened?" I shook my head.

"Good morning Hope!" Riley interrupted our conversation, making me out a sigh of relief.

"Good morning Riley." I smiled at her and she returned the gesture. He took out his books and Justin kissed me goodbye with a long, passionate kiss.

"Get yourself a room, you two," I've laughed as Justin slowly walked away, looking into my eyes. We went to class and enjoyed all classes on Friday. At lunch we sat at the table with Justin and his friends. Ciara gave me some nasty looks. She had actually given me a break, but that's only because Justin had talked to her.

While we were eating we talked but I was in my own little bubble. I thought of myself and Justin if it was a good idea but it was all love and affection exactly the opposite with Jake who was cold and loveless. Even Jake had started sleeping at Hannah's house more often.

He'd even talked to her about Jake to see if he'd talked to her about me. She told me that she was angry and annoyed with me.

"You good?" Justin's whisper brought me back to reality and looked at me as I nodded. He smiled and I felt his hand on my back starting to move small circles that soothed every nerve in my body. I looked at Riley who was sitting next to Matthew. I had no idea if they were dating or not, because I knew that they had been ok and wrong because she was not ready to be in a relationship with him since I had been with many girls before, she was afraid that It would be the same with her. She looked at me in the eye and raised two eyebrows. I need to talk to her about this. I could give advice if I should or not. She gave me a small nod and rose from her seat.

"Hope and I have to go to Physical Education now, we have to change. We can take some time since we are girls you know." She smiled and gave me a smile. Everyone said goodbye and Justin kissed me goodbye. When I looked around the room, the guy's cold gauze followed us. We walked out through the lockers and talked on the way. I explained the situation and when I finished she let out a sigh.

"I have no idea what to do!" I groaned and leaned the top of my body in the locker

"Talk to him, tell him about the situation"

"I did not know what to do." She crossed her arms and sighed.

"Break up with him then, you're always sad because of your relationship. Finish him and fix yourself first, because you know what they say. " She raised her eyebrows. "You can not love someone if you can not love yourself."

The Senior - j.b Where stories live. Discover now