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c h a p t e r:  15
u n e d i t e d

I felt the butterflies fill my stomach. It was just a light kiss, but it was my first. I got my first kiss from a popular guy. If you would've told me this like a year ago, I would've laughed in your fac. Justin pulled away and looked at me with a smile. I blushed and looked down at my hands.

"Well see you around." Then he walked away. I walked inside the house with a huge smile in my face and I was lucky no one was home, or the whole situation would've been embarrassing. Then if my brother were to be home, he would most definitely yell at him. I went to my room and did some homework, text Riley, and write in my Diary.

'Dear Diary;

Today was hell, this morning was actually. This girl, Ciara, thinks that she is the queen B. But then Riley came and said that I should be care. Then when I walked home, Justin, the most popular boy in my school, walked me home. And outside my house, he kissed me!!!

"Hope, I'm home." Jake yelled and u walked down.

"Mom and dad will he working late, dad had an operation to do and mom is on the same thing." He said as we walked into the kitchen.

"So what do you want for dinner?"

"I don't know, pancakes." I suggested.



"Hope, I've been at practice and I can't just eat pancakes, I'll order some pizza and we can watch some t.v" he looked at me and I nodded. The Pizza took a while to arrive. 23 minutes to be exact.

"So what do you want to watch?" He asked while he took a slice out of the box.

"It doesn't matter" I said as he kept flipping through the channels.

"Jake come on, just choose one." We both chuckled but he continued to do it, now, just to make me irritated.

"Jake!" I said as I took the remote from him

"Hey!" He tried to take the remote back but u quickly oully my hand way. He started to tickle me and I tried to get away, but he was too strong.

"Jake stop it!" I laughed but he didn't obey. I tried once again to get away and this time I succeeded. I ran with the remote and jack was right behind me.

"Jake no." We both laughed and I felt that I was in no shape for things like this.

"Gotcha." He chuckled and took the remote. Then we sat down and ate, watched TV and talked. But i didn't tell him about Justin. That would ruin this nice moment we were having together. I liked these moments when it just me and him.


I woke up by the horrible sound of my alarm, I did my normal morning routine then headed to school. I met Riley and we sat and talked.

"You would never believe what happened yesterday!" I blurted out.

"What?" She asked curiously.

"Justin kissed me.!!" I whispered and her eyes widen, her mouth wide open.

"He what??? Oh my gosh girl!!" She said as she wiggled her eyebrows making me laugh.


Hey guys, it's Sam!

Let me know what you think!

Feel free to like, comment, and add suggestions!

-Sam 💞

Edit: I need to add more words! Please bare with me if you read this before my edit.

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