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c h a p t e r: 6
u n e d i t e d

I felt my body relax a little when I saw who it was, Justin. He chuckled and let go of me. It wasn't anything funny about that, I was scared. It could've been some old man that wanted to take advantage of a young girl or a homeless that would rob me.

"That wasn't funny Justin, you almost gave me a heart attack." I snapped at him and he mumbled a 'sorry' and then went quiet. Letting the silence take over with a lot of awarkdness.

"Its okay, just don't it again and what are you doing here?" I asked and he nodded and he gave me a smile, which as always, I returned the gestured.

"I'm going to a girls house over here and I know that you walk here so I thought I would follow." Oh has Justin the playboy found a lucky girlfriend? Don't think so, or?

We walked and talked mostly about the school and what we thought about it. Justin ended up sharing that he liked the crazy French teacher but he had also hated the math teacher we shared. After about 20 minutes we arrived outside my house and we stopped on the driveway.

"Well, here's my house." I looked at us m and he nodded.

"Its nice to walk and talk with you Hope, see you tomorrow and see you at the party." I nodded as I walked towards the door.

"Justin wait." I said suddenly, out of nowhere and he turned around to look at me.

"Where are you guys having this party?" I didn't know where we should go tomorrow. Was it his place or did they it somewhere else like a club or something.

"Its at my house, everything up need to know is posted on my Facebook." Well I didn't have Facebook for various reasons but I didn't say I didn't. Guess I can make Riley spill the beans. We said goodbye and when I walked back inside the hose, saw a quite curious Jake.

"Didn't I tell you to stay away from him?" He asked and I nodded, feeling guilty. Now its these moments when me and him sits down and he tells me what I should and shouldn't do..

"Okay so tomorrow at the party take it easy. You're the newbie at their school. In my school we always do something to the newbies st their first parties and play games on them for the whole year, or a month, whichever. Don't drink too much, don't drink something they give you and its already open, don't take drugs or pills they give you, dont do the challenging clothes, don't have sex, don't-.." Who does he think I am? I can take care of myself. I'm not stupid.

"Wow jake take a break. Its a normal party and they asked me to come. Everyone is invited do calm down." He let out a sigh.

"Its not a normal party, Its a Justin party, Hope." He said and I rolled my eyes before walking upstairs then slammed my door to prove a point. I can take care of myself, I'm not a baby nor an idiot. I may never let anything stupid happen to me. For the first time around other students I am going to have fun and live like a normal teenager.


What do you guys think is going to happen at the party? You think Hope is even going to go?

If she does, what do you want to see happen?

Should her and Justin hook up already!? Should she get with one of homeboys instead?

Let me know ! <3

- Sam 💞

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