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c h a p t e r: 28
u n e d i t e d

I really liked Cindy. She was a nice girl, she treated me much better than Justin and his stupid friends. Cindy is also a Senior and was in class with Justin. I felt bad for her for being in the same class as an idiot. Cindy lived a few blocks before mine and had seen me walk home from school a couple of times.

We had a lot in common. We liked the same music, food, and some TV shows. We walked together on the sidewalk and shared some big laughs.

"Well this is my house." Cindy starts, pointing to the house across the street. "But see you tomorrow, right hope?" She gave me a smile and I returned the gesture while I nodded. We said goodbye and started walking the rest of the way to my house.

"Hope, wait!" Cindy shouted. I turned around with a smile and then frowned.

"I thought maybe we could walk to school together tomorrow, if you want?" I smiled

"Yes, that would be all right," her lips formed a perfect smile, showing her white teeth. She took out her phone and handed it to me. I frowned in confusion.

"So that I can send you a message and you have my number. And then tomorrow you can send me a message when you are on the way" oh right.

I gave her my number and she sent me a message and I saved it. We said our goodbye's again and walked home. When I entered the room I saw Jake and Malory kissing. I felt the heat on my cheeks from embarrassment and cleared my throat. They parted, looked at me, and smiled. Malory gave me an apology and smiled at me.

"Hermanita how was school?" I remembered the horrible times and I kept getting chills down the spine. Then I remembered Cindy and put a smile on my face.

"Who did you meet? A guy?" Malory raised her eyebrows at me and I laughed.

No, I met a new friend. Her name is Cindy." I gave them a smile, putting aside the whole situation with Justin.

"Oh it's a girl?" She raised her eyebrows and i sheepishly nodded my head. "Oh that's good, is she attractive?" Malory asked causing Jake to turn his head in his direction and smiled at me. I felt the heat on my face from what she said in the last part.

"Okay," I said and she raised an eyebrow, wanting to meet the other party. "Yes, I suppose she's attractive." I blushed as I said it. She laughed and my brother approached me and put his arm around my neck.

"My sister is in love"

"I'm not. I just met her." They both laughed and went to my room to do my math homework and save me from their questions that would only make me more uncomfortable. After a few tasks my thoughts were interrupted by my phone.

From: Cindy 💫

Hey :)

I felt the butterflies immediately enter my stomach as I read her message. She sent me a message, she wants to talk to me.

To: Cindy 💫

Hello :)

I sat on my bed waiting for an answer from her. I did not need to wait because shortly after my message sent, my phone rang.

From: Cindy 💫

What are you doing ?;)

To: Cindy 💫

Finishing my homework for tomorrow, and you? X

From: Cindy 💫

Nm, I just finished with soccer practice and I thought I could talk to my lovely new friend! ;)

I blushed at her words. We kept talking and I liked it more and more every second we talked. I heard my mother yell my name saying dinner was ready, so I sent my last text to Cindy.

To: Brad

I'm going to eat, I'll see you tomorrow! X

I went down and felt the lovely smell of my mother's food. I went into the kitchen and sat down. We all started talking and Jake somehow turned the conversation to the Cindy theme. I felt the heat on my face. I'm sure it looked like a tomato.

"Who's Cindy?" My father asked as he took a bite of the food on his plate.

"I met her today after school, she lives in the area," I murmured as the heat hit my face.

"Oh, is she friendly?" My mother asked me and gave me a smile.

"Yes, and she's is a Senior" my dad and my mom opened their eyes.

"You and the Seniors, huh?" Jake said and kicked my leg under the table as he raised his eyebrows.

"First Justin, now Cindy"

"I have not dated Justin or Cindy," I snapped. We continued talking and when I finished I went straight to bed. Dreaming about her dark blond hair and brown eyes.

I woke up for the alarm and had a smile on my face. I knew I had to face Justin today, but I have Riley and Cindy. I was excited to walk with Cindy today. I took a shower, and then I dressed in black jeans, a Rolling Stones shirt and fixed my makeup. I decided to leave my hair loose with a little braid in the middle. I went downstairs and ate my breakfast, and then I went to school.

To: Cindy 💫

I'm on my way!

From: Cindy 💫

Great, I'm outside

Walking with a smile on my face, my smile got bigger and I got some butterflies when I turned down her street. When I get closer, I saw her standing outside. She looked very good. Her jeans light blue, hung low on her hips, white shirt and her varsity soccer jacket on.

""Hello Beautiful!" She greeted me with a smile and I blushed as I returned the gesture.

"Hello" We walked and talked. She told me that she would be there for me if Justin and his friends would bother me and I thanked her. We walked around the school yard and went to school. What surprised me most was that Riley was already here and when she saw me she gave me a smile.

Cindy and I approached her, our hands intertwined.

"Hey look, pukey has a girlfriend" Oh no.


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-Sam 💞

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