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c h a p t e r: 37
u n e d i t e d

I saw them order their things and sat a few tables away. It seemed Justin did not realize I was here. They talked and shared some laughter. As the conversation became more intense, Justin's face was more serious.

I looked back at Riley who had a surprised look on her face.

"What?" I frowned as she shrugged.

"I thought they were over, but I see no" she looked at me and I looked at them. Even if Justin was an idiot with me when he was with his friends, it was quite strange when we were alone and him. I had a small feeling of jealousy in the background and I had no idea why. He was my bully for the love of God!

"How long have they been together?" I asked Riley. Oh how the curiosity took care of my feelings.

"They went out for a whole year, everyone was like 'Oh God, that girl has to be special to last so long', since she had never had a long relationship, he just slept with them and left. When she arrived everyone started talking about them."

I nodded. I could not stop thinking about what it would be like to be in love and have someone to love. They looked cute together. She must be popular because she is beautiful and he is gorgeous so make a good pair. I sighed.

"What's her name?"

"I'm pretty sure it's Selena."

My mind went back to Justin's house when he was on the phone, it was her. Too many questions and doubts were in my head. He was completely upset or something after I woke up at his house. Was he upset with me for staying there so long, maybe he wanted to be with her and maybe that's why he was screaming on the phone. I let out a sigh full of sadness.

"Aw, someone is in love and jealous," Riley said and chuckled, but soon faded when she saw my expression. I liked Justin ? Of course not, I was treated like a piece of crap. I take one look back at Justin and Selena, and I regretted it as soon as I did, Justin saw me. I do not take my gaze away from him.

This Selena girl looked at me, her smile faded, and her face was filled with anger. She rose from her seat and approached us.

Justin started to call her name, but she did not listen. She keeps walking until she is standing right in front of us.

"So you're the whore Justin cheated on me with."

My eyes open in shock and I heard Riley choke on her drink and looked at her. I had never slept with Justin, had I ? I could not have been so drunk to sleep with my bully.

"Do not lie to me, you're going to pay for what you did- Wait, are you Hope Clark?"

I nodded.

"Oh my God, you're the girl from that school that ..." She stopped herself because of her laughter. I looked down and did not want to hear what she was going to say.

"Sel, what's going on?" Justin said in an angry voice as he walked up the table.

"Justin, why did not you tell me about Hope? The girl who gave her boss at work a blowjob and gives nude photos to her teachers", she laughed as I felt tears starting to slide down my face.

No one said anything, the only sound came from Selena's laughter. I murmured a silent 'stop' but she did not hear.

"Shut up!" Justin's voice sounded a little higher than his normal tone, but she did not listen to him either.

"Oh my God Justin, she a total whore and a piece of crap. Why did you even touch a slut like that?"

I had enough. I stood up and ran out of the store with my tears streaming down my face. I found an alleyway where I went in to calm myself. Try to avoid having another panic attack. Take a deep breath after taking a deep breath, I felt the sweat in my hands and my heart began to beat faster and faster.

"Hope !?" I Ignore the voice. I hated my past, but none of what Selena said was true, they all were horrible lies that Amanda invented but nobody believed me when I told them. I put my hand on the brick wall to support myself and I felt I was short of air.

"Hope, god." His voice rang in my ears and my heartbeat grew even faster. I felt his arms around my waist as he pushed me away from the wall and made me look at him.

"Shh. Calm down, take a deep breath." I tried, but it did not work, I felt like I was going to die. It was so hard to breathe and get calm. I felt his hands pull me into his arms and he rubbed my back.

"Shh .. do not listen to her, just calm down, for me." His calm voice made my breathing calmer a little, then I felt his arms hug me harder than before. My breathing was still hysterical.

He pulled me away and connected our lips, which gave my whole body a wave of calm. Like an electric shock.


Another kiss?

What do we think of Selena!?

Let me know what you think!


I love you guys <3

- Sam 💞

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