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c h a p t e r: 12
u n e d i t e d

I looked at her. Have Justin and Ciara slept together? They've done it before? Have they been together? If they have, I really think he's stupid. Ciara is a horrible, ass kissing, attention seeker.

"In Freshman year," Riley starts. "its rumored that they were at a party and they slept together. People said they were dating but Justin said no and denied it. He kept sleeping with other girls. Ciara, on the other hand, was all over him. It were like she told herself they were together. Since then, she's been after him and she hates when people talk to him or when she hears other girls say that they slept with them"

"Has he every had a girlfriend?" It doesn't sound like he have, but hey why not ask.

"No. Justin doesn't do girlfriends. He wants to be free. I think that the thought of only being able to sleep with the same girl over and over again disgust him." She chuckled and joined.

"You hungry?" I nodded.

"Great, then get dressed and we can walk to that cozy coffee shop around the corner, I always wanted to go thee but none of my old friends wanted to." We got dressed and walked to the ship. It was like she said, cozy, very cozy. Mahoney tables and counters. Some candles here and there.

"I'll take some green tea." I order and Riley got the same thing. We took a seat in the back if the cafe and talked. We talked about everything girls can talk about, the lastest fashion, makeup, and the hot guys at school.

"If you could choose one guy to date at our school, who would it be?" She asked and I took a sip of my tea and thought.

"I don't know."

"Oh come on Hope, at least tell me who you think is hot." She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Yeah there is some people."

"Some people? You go girl! Who?" She said and we both chuckled.

"Well Justin and his crew." I answered.

"Yeah they are hot but back off Matthew, he's mine. And Justin? After what happened last night?" I smiled while nixxed. He seemed nice when he was sober.

"Can I ask you a question?" She nodded.

"Like me and you are friends now, but who was your friends before?"

"You know the girl I told you about, that slept with Justin and the whole video thing? " she asked and I nodded.

"Well her name was Hannah and we were friends."

"Oh I'm sorry, for you losing a friend and what happened to her."

"Its okay. So I never got the chance to ask you why did you change schools?" I didn't know what to sat. I didn't want to tell her the thruth because I'm so ashamed of it, but at the same time, I didn't want to lie to her.

"I-I...." She looked at me and took a sip from her tea.

"I got bullied."


Bullying is nothing to joke about, and please don't bully! You don't know what people are going through, don't make it worse

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- Sam 💞

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