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c h a p t e r: 3
u n e d i t e d

Justin's low voice gave me goosebumps all over my skin. It held so much depth, rasp and it was just... slow.

I don't know. It simply made me speechless. I never thought that his voice would sound like that.

"Y-Yes." I said as I nodded and he gave me kind smile.

"I have a party on friday and everyone is invited so why don't you-" he said and his eyes traveled to Riley before they met mine again.

"...and your friend come and party with us?" He continued and I felt Riley's hand clench my arm almost ripping us off my body. I had an uneasy feeling In My stomach, I have never been the party type girl, probably because I've never been to one before.

"I-I don't know." I said and I felt Riley poke my side which made my eyes snap in her direction.

"Well come If you guys want. You're new and I think that you need to go to your first party, so why not go to the best one huh?" He chuckled and I smiled at his cockiness. His other friends came around the corner and joined him. The black haired one, Carter, made sure to fill the hall with his laughter. Very adorable if you ask me.

"But I hope to see you there." He winked before he walked away with his friend. Is he always the flirtatious?

Riley squealed as she jumped up and down, acting like a manic, getting attention to the few that was in the hall.

"Hope, oh my gosh he wants you girl, he totally does. We need to Go! You can come to my place after school and we can get ready and oh my gosh I'm so excited!" Riley screamed in the hall, causing more unwanted attention.

"I don't know, Riley." I said as I scratched the back of my neck and she just looked at me like I was a ghost.

"Are you kidding me right now? Justin fucking Bieber asked you to come to his party and you don't know? Girl didn't you listen to me in the cafeteria?" She scolded me and I nodded.

"But everyone is invited, what's so special with what?" I said and she just shook her head.

"Hope, he personally asked you, face to face, eye to eye, human to human, Justin to Hope" She said and I chuckled. This woman needs to cut down on the sugar, she's too hyper.

"Alright I understand." I said

"So?" she asked pouting slightly. Please don't do the puppy eyes, people stopped doing it ages ago, but it still works in me.

"Okay we can go." I said and she practically screamed in joy. She grabbed my arm and headed to our next class.

After school I decided that I should walk home. Riley and I said our goodbyes and we exchanged numbers. When I walked across the parking lot I saw Justin walking to his car, a black Range Rover. It was beautiful, I've never seen one in real life and I've always wanted to sit in one, drive in one. He looked up from his phone and saw me, he gave me a smile and I smiled back.

I walked on the the side walk and just admired Virginia at this time of year. I heard a car on the road and looked over my shoulder, it was a familiar black Range Rover. It slowed its speed and rolled its window down.

"Hey! Look at you, walking all by yourself." The familiar voice said and chuckled. I looked at him and stopped in my tracks.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as he stopped the car.

"I was thinking I could drive you home? You walked all by yourself so I thought why not be nice to the newbie and drive her home." He chuckled while shruging, and I blushed. The newbie, what a nickname. I just hope it doesn't stick to me like Fiona's.

"So you wanted to drive newbie junior home?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest and he smiled while nodding.

"You want me to drive you the rest of the way?" I thought that his intentions was sweet but why would he do this?! Where is the hidden camera? I nodded before thinking more of it. I jumped inside the car, and took a deep breath, I was in a Range Rover, with the schools most popular guy and he's at least one year older than me. Pinch me please.

I showed him the way and he pulled up on the driveway, my mom will probably ask questions about this after freaking out but maybe happy to see me next to a human of the other gender who isnt my brother.

"Thank you Matthew." I looked at him and smiled. I walked out of the car and look at him again.

"No problem babe, see you on Friday?" He asked with a natural expression.

"Yeah see you on Friday." I said and with that, he drive away with the biggest smile. This day couldn't have been any better, I think that I'll survive this year.


- Sam 💞

885 words

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