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c h a p t e r: 4
u n e d i t e d

I walked into the kitchen, still with the big smile on my lips. My mom turned around and saw me with my skills, her lips formed a smile and she hugged me.

"How was your day sweetie? It looks like its been good" she asked as she let go of me. I walked over to the fridge I took out some juice and poured some.

"So it sounds like a good school and good people." she said as she gave me a warm smile. I don't know if I should tell her about the party. I've never been invited to one or been to one and I don't know how she would react to that, maybe she would say yes or no because she would see it as an opportunity to make friends. After helping my mom, I went upstairs and started to read the book I got from school.

"Hope, dinner is ready" my mom yelled and I sighed, I just got into the book. After marking which page I stopped at, I walked down then took my spot at the dinner table and soon after, Jake sat down. His head snapped up from his phone when I said down at the table, he gave me a smile and I returned the gesture.

"How was your day sis?" He asked as he placed some food on his plate.

"She got a new friend, her name is Sophia." My mom said, not letting me speak for myself due to the excitement of me having a friend.

"Riley, mom. Her name is Riley, and yeah it was great, its a beautiful school and so far everyone is nice. " I said and my brother gave me a nod as he smiled. Im thinking about telling them about the party because my brother was there, be would always back me up.

"Mom...? There's one more thing I need to tell, or ask." I said and she nodded her head while growing. Both my brother and mother looked at me, I took a deep breath. Its now or never.

"Well I've got invited to this party on friday..." I said and I got nervous as I saw both of their eyes wident, in this moment I got very happy that my father worked in another town tonight and he wouldn't be here. I would be very... Well I don't know how he would react because he never happened before.

"You mean a party with drugs, sex, and alcohol?" My mom asked in school and I hooded.

"Who's hosting the party?" Jake asked with curiosity and I took a deep breath before answering.

"His name is Justin Bieber." I mumbled looked down ad I felt the blush Creep onto my cheeks.

"What? The Justin Bieber? Are you kidding me sis?" I looked at him with a little frown, while I nodded.

"Sis, he's a player. As you already know hes the most popular guy and everyone has slept with that guy and he's stupid, don't go." Jake was also a senior, just like Justin, but jake went to a different high school that us, he said its because of the horrible uniforms, but he still knew about everyne. I guess you learn about a lot of people when you sleep with everyone.....

"But I want to, Riley and I thought we could go together, please mom??" I looked at her and she was very quiet for a coveration like this.

"I don't know sweetie" I looked at her with pleading eyes and said a mental 'please.'

"Okay, but on 2 conditions. You don't end up like your brother over there did and that you're safe. Not too much alcohol, absoutly no drugs and no messing around. I don't want you to end up on 16 and pregnant." She said and I wanted to roll my eyes at her remark, but I just nodded. I can't believe that I got my mother to agree to let me to go to a party, its shocking. I walked back to my room and continued to read my English book. I was interrupted by a knock on my door. I greeted them in.

"What do you want, Jake?" I said and he sat down on the edge of the bed looking st me.

"I just wanted to tell you to be careful on friday, okay? I know about Justin and its nothing that I want you to be involved in. He might be nice to you, but its just an act. He's an asshole. He uses girls like you and treats them like shit and when I say that, I'm just being nice. Don't let him get to you promise? But most importantly, if something happens you're gunna tell me." He said as he looked up at me in the eyes and I nodded. He gave me a hug and left the room. I decided to text Riley and ask her about Justin.

To: Riley

I just talked with my bro and he told me some stuff bout Justin. is he an actual asshole.?

From: Riley
Well your brother isn't lying, he is 😭
i can explain everything tomorrow?.::)

To: Riley

Yes thank you ::)

We texted each other goodnight and then after reading for a few more hours, I went to bed. I wrote a few quick words in my diary before turning the lights off. My mind was a mess. Maybe he isn't so bad. Well I hope. He seemed nice to me, to drop me if at home. I couldn't help hut he curious about what Riley had to say about Justin.

Again, Unedited - apr 22, 2022

I really need to get on it ^^
Make sure vote and comment so I'll be motivated to!

- Sam 💞

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