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c h a p t e r: 5
u n e d i t e d

I woke up and looked at the clock on my night stand. It was Thursday currently and Justin's party would take place tomorrow night. I took a quick shower and got dressed after my morning routine. I put on my school uniform and added some mascara to my eyes. I hurried downstairs and ate breakfast before heading to school.

I walked on the sidewalk and a few cells in my body wanted Justin to pass by and give me a ride the rest of the way, just like yesterday. But that was on the say hold, maybe he didn't want us to he seen with anyone like me. But he did invite me to his party.. I walked inside the school and I heard a familiar voice and I got a smile on my face.

"Hope!" Riley ran towards me with a smile spread on her face. Everyone looked at us, well at least the juniors and seniors since we shared this hall. In the corner of my eye I saw Matthew, Justin, and Carter looking at us. Matthew and Justin smirked.

"Hi Riley, what's the rush?" I chuckled when she arrived. She sat down to catch her breath.

"Nothing, its just that we should talk about, you know who." she said as she gazed at Justin and his 'crew.'

"Oh omsy, we need to do that after class its starting in a few minutes." I said and she nodded. We walked to class together because today we shared a long bring math claddm I couldn't help jt laugh when sokemr people asked when we every have yo use this in real life. Afterwards. We walked to the cafeteria and got our food, then we went to our table we sat at yesterday.

"So tell me about Justin," i said as she swallowed her first bite of food, and nodded.

"Okay story time." She said dramactically and we both chuckled.

"Okay, this is it. Justin is the party guy always looking for a good time with no regrets or problems. He drinks and smokes very much. When I say smoke, I mean both cigarette and drugs, to answer your further questions. He sleeps with too many girls at too many different ages. He and his little crew of friends always have parties every friday. The parties are usually really popular, insane and contains a lot of of booze and drugs. Every party. They pic a girl to have some fun with and then on money they do something to humiliate that girl. One girl got taped and they loaded the video on Facebook, she needed to move schools, states even, because of it. Everyone saw it, students, teachers and even some parents." Riley said and I was shocked about the information, it was horrible.

"Are you sure it isn't just some crazy rumors?" I said as I frowned and she nodded her head, no.

"Be careful with him, he can ruin you here and your years here at Ireton, be really careful.' I nodded, remembering what Jake said. But Justin drive me home and was all nice to me. The memory made me blush.


"Nothing just thought about something that happened yesterday " I shrugged, she smiled.

"What happened?" She asked very interested.

" I was walking home yesterday, after we said goodbyee. I saw Justin walking to his Car and when I was walking along the sidewalk, and his car pulled up and he asked if he could drive me home, and I said yes" I blushed. As we were talking about them, they arrived inside the cafeteria. Next to Justin, was Ciara. They were talking. They both laughed and Ciara went back to her friends with smile, giggling after getting her lunch. Justin and the other sat down, he looked up and gave me a smile.

"He did what?" Riley asked, maybe a little too loud, and everyone was looking at us. I felt the heat rise on my face.

"He drove me home." I mumbled and everyone conversations started again.

"Doesn't sound like him. But watch out."

"Same to you, Riley" she smiled and shook her head, no and I frowned.

"I'm not interested in Justin." She said as she looked over to their table dreamily as they laughed.

"Who is it?"

"Matthew." She said as we both giggled at our gossips. So she have a thing for the muscle machine in white....

"Well tomorrow I'd the party so you can come with Mr home and we can fix each other and all that girly stuff." I nodded and smiled. We walked to our class, biology. After class I walked home. I didn't see Justin after school with his car. As I walked I heard footsteps behind me, the sound of footsteps gave my mind some horrible flashback that I quickly tried to get away. I started to walk fast, its a habit.

As usual, the steps behind me walked faster too and then I felt someone grab my wrist. The person turned me around and I was about to scream in fear but the person but its hand over my mouth.

"Hey calm down."


Oh who their hand over her mouth? Let me know!

- Sam 💞

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