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c h a p t e r: 51
u n e d i t e d

My parents looked at me. I felt the tension in the room and my eyes down on the napkin. My father cleared his throat waiting for my answer. I glanced quickly at Jake, giving him a look of death. I had no idea how I could get out of this mess. I felt the sweat in my hands as I held the silverware.

"Justin was here before," I just said as I looked at my father. He gave me a cold glance knowing that there is more to add to the story and that he wanted to hear everything. My father's grip on the fork grew stronger as his knuckles turned white.

"But nothing happened, I promise" I defended myself and looked at my mother and she smiled. I knew that she trusted me and that I would always do what is best for me, but at the same time be very careful.

"You're shouldn't be caught to be kissing in bed at all," Jake said, and I swear I've never been so angry with him. He's throwing me under the bus. This was the first time I did this because every other time has always been on my side.

"At least I did not start a fight in the middle of the room" I spat back and the attention of my father left mine that made me let out a sigh of relief.

"You hit that young man, Jake?" My father asked, and Jake swallowed.

"Dad he was kissing her, he was on top of her and he hit me first, daddy." Jake spoke nervously and pointed to the purple over his face, which was barely perceptible.

"I know Hope would know what's right and wrong, but I still think it was irresponsible to do it... But hitting someone in my house is absolutely forbidden, do you understand? I do not want to know you do that anymore, understood?"

Jake nodded with his head. Then my father turned his attention back to me.

"And you, Hope. You're punished for a week and I do not want to hear something like that again or see that boy again.

"James!" My mother said. "She finally found someone who likes her and you are forbidding her to be with him?" My mother was defending me.

"He hit our son!" My dad said, defending his actions. I got up from the table and went out wanting to hear more because of the fact that I was tired. I heard footsteps behind me, but I ignored them. Jake's voice calling me filled my ears, but I ignored him as I walked down the stairs.

"Hope please stop!"

"I have nothing to say to you Jake, except that you ruined everything"

"It's okay to be an idiot later."

I felt the tears in my eyes. I went into my room and closed the door behind me with a loud explosion. I took my phone and sent a message to Justin.

To: Boyfriend 🤎

I need to talk to you, can you come by?

From: Boyfriend 🤎

u know it. I'll be there in 5 x -J

His answer came quickly and I sat on my bed. After a few minutes my room was filled by the sound of a tap on my window. I looked out and saw Justin standing there in tight black jeans, white shirt and black coat. I opened the window and entered.

"Is the door locked this time? I do not want any more surprises today." He laughed and gave her a small smile.

"Yes, it's locked." I looked down at my hands.

"So what was it you wanted to talk about?" He asked me as I took his coat.

"Y-I ..." I took a deep breath, but the exhalation was unstable.

"What is it?" He frowned. I swallowed and sat on my bed and Justin followed my actions as he sat next to me.

"I think I want to break."

I heard him suck in a sharp breath. "Why?" He asked me very calmly, very calmly for my taste.

"Because my relationship with my brother is too important for me. I've always put my family first, I'm sorry" now I was crying. He did something very unexpected, he hugged me.

He rubbed my back like he usually does when I cried. "Shh ... it's ok baby.We do not need to break it let's fix it any other way baby" He whispered in my ear. I pulled back and looked at him.

"I don't think this will work, Justin. It seems like we have all odds against us."

I took a deep breath as I looked into his eyes. "Then we just have to fight harder but we will do it baby, I promise."

The Senior - j.b Where stories live. Discover now