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c h a p t e r: 23
u n e d i t e d

I sat in my room doing my homework. My parents were in the kitchen preparing dinner because Malory was coming tonight. She had been here a couple of times and it was pretty chaotic. My parents wanted to give her the best when she was here. Malory was a good girl and she and Jake had been dating for two and a half years.

It was impressive, blonde sandy hair, blue eyes, thin and very smart. Malory and I were great friends and since she is a year older than me, she usually helped me study when she was here with Jake even if Jake did not like it. He was crazy about her. He is always touching it in some way, it could be being taken by the hand or putting his arm around his waist. He is also very protective about it. I hear a car parked and a few seconds later I can hear my mom greeting someone. I went downstairs and saw Malory and Jake with my parents.

"Hey Hope." Malory greets me with a warm smile and returns the gesture.

"How are you today?" He asked as we walked inside the kitchen.

"I'm great." I lied. "And you?"

I smile and we all sit at the table. Jake pulled out the chair to sit down and gives him a smile as he sits down.

"I'm great and Jake told me you like your new school."

"Yes, is cool!" My mother puts the food on the table and we all start serving. We all talked and had some good laughs. Jake and Malory told us that they are looking for a place together and my mom was very happy for them and very excited. After dinner they went to the living room while I walked to my room to get some sleep. I can not find a comfortable position to sleep. I do not know if it's about that or it's Justin's words that keep me awake.

I wake up for my mom calling me; "Hope, wake up or you're going to be late for school" I hear my mother say and she was probably shaking me.

"What time is it?" I murmur in my sleepy voice.

"It's 15 minutes to go so hurry up and get dressed for breakfast." I did as my mom said. I put on tight jeans with a beige blouse. I feel my stomach roar and nervousness take over my body. I put on a make-up and put on a necklace and a bracelet. I ate my breakfast fast, then I went to school. The closer I got, the more my nervousness took over my body.

I went in and everything seemed to be quiet. I walked to my locker, happy that I did not see Justin or his friends or even Ciara. My mind repeats the same thing over and over again, please make it a quiet day and make Riley come fast.

When I was about to close my locker the door slammed shut making me jump. I turned to the side and saw Justin and his friends with an evil smile.

"Hope, we were looking for you." I froze.

My heart and my breathing stopped. I felt that horrible feeling coming into my body. I did not know what to do. I stepped back, but something hit me hard. I looked up and saw Shawn with a smile on his face.

"You're not going anywhere, whore," I hear Cameron say, and they all laughed. I feel Carter grab my arms, making me helpless. They push me with them, no idea where they lead me.

"Let me go!" I yelled at him and started kicking and screaming. Carter puts his hand over my mouth. I hear you mutter a 'shut up' in my ear. They walked to the girls' bathroom, I do not know if I was grateful for it or not.

Carter pushed me inside, as I fell to the ground and then everyone but Matthew and Shawn entered. Cater, Justin and Cameron were watching me as they surrounded me. I sat on the cold tiled floor and saw them.

"What are you going to-"

"Shut up," Cameron shouted in my face, making me look down.

"Get up" Justin says, and I keep my head down. I don't say a word.

"I said get up, huh?" Justin said as he tried to stand up and looked down again. I tried to ignore him until I felt his shoe crush my fingers. I screamed in pain and felt his fingers grip my face to lift it and our glances met. His green eyes were cold and he had a stern look on his face. I felt a salty tear flow down my cheek.

"Answer me!" He screamed in my face and I saw his eyes turn cold as ice and when let out a yelp of pain. The vein in his neck pronounced. I just nodded. I felt a sharp pain hit my left cheek. I screamed in pain and Justin released his grip on my face. More tears fell down my cheeks.

"Please stop!" I prayed. I did not dare look at them. Carter opened the toilet and my eyes opened. Oh no. I hear someone shouting outside the bathroom, but I quickly ignored it as I did not hear who it was.

"Come here." Justin lifted me up the top of my body to the toilet. I heard Carter and Cameron laughing and so did Justin. I was panicking and screamed at everything I had. Everything came back. I could not bear it.

Justin placed my head just above the toilet.

"What the hell are you doing?" Shouted Riley, thank god.

Justin dropped my body and my head hit the edge of the toilet. I screamed in pain. They all left the room as Riley cried out all the words that the Bible forbade. She came over and helped me with a worried look on his face.

"Hope? Oh, my God, Hope!" She lifted me and closed the lid and sat me on it. She saw me crying so she gave me a hug and rubbed my back.

"Shh okay, they're gone now," she whispered. She helped me straighten up and saw that my cheek was red from the slap.

"I can not go out like this" I felt the tears come again, but she rubbed my back and told me that she would be fine. We had already lost our first class. We listened to people in the hallway and felt my heart beat again. When we left nobody noticed and took a deep breath

"Look at this pukey!" Everyone looked at me and laughed. I had enough and I ran.


Everyone looked at her. I saw the dark red cheek and the panic in his eyes as I looked around the room full of people. She ran away and her friend, Riley, looked at me with a burning look of pure anger in her eyes. He walked towards us. Matthew walked over to her, but she just turned him down, still looking at me.

"Justin son of a bitch!" She screamed and the whole room was silent as she stopped right in front of me. Matthew tried to push her away, but she slapped him back with a slap in the face.

"Do not touch me imbecile!" She screamed and everyone gasped at her audacity toward him and toward me.

"What the hell did you do to him, huh?" He pushed my chest. It did not hurt and I did not say anything. I put my mouth right next to her ear and smirked.

"That bitch deserved it. That was just the beginning."



What do you think Hope did? Let me know!

- Sam 💞

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