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c h a p t e r: 49
u n e d i t e d

HE DID NOT say anything about my answer, he pulled away and turned his back on me as he let out a deep sigh. I went up to him and put his hand on his shoulder, but he just shrugged. I did not want to hurt her, I just was not sure if it was right. I would not want to spend this day with Ciara again, or the other people who turned their back on me and even talked behind my back. I've had a past with that.

"So you want to take a break?"

His murmur brought me back to reality. He turned and looked at me with his hands folded over his shoulder.

"No, I did not say that," I looked into his eyes.

"So what, if you think it's a mistake then we should break," he snapped and I felt like crying, I would not understand.

"Justin, I don't think you would understand"

He just snorted at me, "Understand what? You were bullied at school by everyone and you were a coward for not saying anything eh? Tell me something I do not know" I felt tears fall on my cheek at his words. I Quickly dry them.

"Do not sit there and pretend you know what I've had to go through. You know nothing of me or my past." I raised my voice to him, which I think took him by surprise, but the only reaction I got from him was another snort.

"That's because you never told me," he said simply as he shrugged and walked to my bed and sat down. He patted the bed next to him and sat down next to him. His right hand rubbed my back and with our left we clasped our hands. I rested my head on his shoulder. I felt the tears in my eyes flow as I inhaled a trembling sigh.

"I-I'm just so-so ashamed of it" I stuttered as the horrible memories filled my brain.

"It's not your fault, baby. You don't have to tell me if you want to." He gave me a kiss on the top of my head. He gave me a slight squeeze in my hand.

"Okay, t-everything ..."

He needed to breathe. The hand rubbing my back added more pressure, which had a calming effect. "Take your time."

I nodded. Justin gave me a hug and as we hugged, he rubbed my back. It was just like the other time in Justin's bathroom. I like this, that it was easy to talk to him, he was not laughing at me. He listened and comforted me.

"Shh ... okay." I wiped my tears away as I took a deep breath.

"Then it just got worse over time. In the beginning of this year after school, they started chasing me. I hid in the bathroom praying that they would not find me. I thought I was done. But you never have a chance to be really happy. They found me and they stormed me in the bathroom and then shoved my head into the toilet, causing me to almost drown.That was the first time the school worried about what was happening to me. My father called them and said they were not going to go back to school. So that's how I started at Bishop Ireton."

I felt the huge stone disappear and a weight disappeared from my shoulders.

"Why did not your parents do anything before?"

"I never told them."

"Oh" It was all he said then he gave me a big hug. "What was her name?"

I frowned at his question. "Kylie Jennings"

After a few moments, he pulled away and put his forehead against mine and then slammed our lips. Everything was love in the kiss and the butterflies went crazy in my stomach.


What she told me was heartbreaking. I've always thought she's so small and fragile. She had held herself for so long and no one had been able to hold her. I will never forgive myself for what I did to her. She has had enough and I will never let anyone hurt her again. I'm her boyfriend, so it's my job. This Kylie girl will never play it again and I will promise that she will pay for what she did. No one is going to hurt you again, it's a promise that will never break.


We lie together on the bed talking, laughing about shared memories and good times. We share some kisses throughout every story. He was a nice person and although he had been an idiot, he had shown me much more. After some bad jokes on his part we kissed. He laid down as he threw me with him. Now he was on top of me and it felt like it was just us in the world. I smiled at the kiss and he smiled.

"Hope!" Jake's familiar voice filled the room.

The Senior - j.b Where stories live. Discover now