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c h a p t e r: 20
u n e d i t e d

He looked really good tonight. He greeted me with a kiss on the cheek and he gave me the rose and a few compliments that made me blush. He opened the car door for me to get in. Now we are driving Towards the mysterious location.

"Can't you tell me?" I ask for the hundredth time and he chuckled.

"No it's a surprise and you'll see soon" he smiled. I couldn't help but admire his amazing facial features. His prominent jaw, pink plump lips, and these beautiful honey eyes. The way he was focusing on the made his facial muscles tense. He pulled up outside a small Italian restaurant. Justin walked out quickly going to my side to open the door for me.

"Oh what a gentlemen, thank you." We both chuckled. He placed his hand on my waist as we walked inside. The restaurant was really cozy and the spell of pasta filled my nostrils. I inhaled the amazing smell again and I heard Justin chuckle. The waitress showed us to our table, it was a little table in the back detached from the other tables. Justin pulled out my chair and I thanked him while siting down.

"Hello my name is Catherine and I will be your waitress for tonight for tonight" said a young girl, probably in her twenties, blonde shoulder length hair, very beautiful. She only looked at Justin and she did that annoying giggle just like Ciara. She was hitting on him. I looked down.

"Hope, what would you like?" I didn't look up, I ordered pasta Bolognese with my head down and when Catherine got our orders, she walked away which made me out of breath.

"What is it?" What do you think?


"You sure?"

"Yes I am, okay?" I snapped at him making him put his hand in the air like he surrendered to the police.

"I didn't mean to do that."

"It's okay Babygirl, but there is something bothering you right?" I looked at him and he looked me in the eyes while I merely nodded my head.

"Yes" you were hitting on that slut over there.

"Then what is it?" I could hear the annoyance in his voice from me not telling him. I guess he is used to getting straight answers.

"Do you think our waiter is attractive?" I ask as I look away, not wanting to meet his gaze.

"Well yeah, so?"

"Nothing, let's not ruin this." I gave him a small smile. We got our food and Catherine had opened up some buttons on her shirt so when she gave Justin his food she would bend over so he can get a better view of her cleavage.

"So why did you take me to dinner I'm not complaining, just wondering." I asked shyly bite of my delicious pasta. It's had these amazing different that makes the flavored just explode in your mouth.

"I thought that I needed to give you an apology for both the party and what happened in the hall" then he took a bite of his pasta. I thought that he liked me, talk about the wrong vibes.

"Well thank you and you're forgiven" I gave him a smile and he returned the gesture. Then we just talked about our families and interests to get to know each other. He had a mom and a sister. He didn't have a father, he passed away when he was younger. I told him about my family and we laughed about the photos he saw on my fridge. Everything was perfect. After a while the waiter took our empty plates as we talked. When we were talking I noticed That he started to tense up. The looked around and his jaw locked.

"What is it Justin?" I turned around to see what he was looking at.

"Don't turn around, go into the bathroom." He quickly answered.

I had no idea why, but it made me very curious about what he was looking at.

"Why?" I asked curiously then I heard him let out a deep sigh.

"You need to clean your hands before dessert. Just go ahead and take your time, alright? I'll be here." He said clearly annoyed by my stubbornness and not going to the bathroom. I stood up and did as I was told, I did need to go to the bathroom anyway but it was just weird.


I saw the rest of the boys get out of Cameron's car. Why are they here? They walked inside and I tried to hide, not wanting their attention, what would I even say if they saw me? I wasn't the type of person to be eating in a restaurant much less by "myself". I took a quick peak at the restroom door and she closed it.

"Oh look there's Justin , hey man!" Shawn shouted. I let out an annoyed sigh. They walked to the table and I took a quick look at the restroom door , she wasn't done yet.

"Why are you here by yourself?" Matthew asked and gave me a frown as I smiled.

"I was hungry so I decided to eat something. Is that weird?" I snapped at him and he put up both of his hands.

"No, I was just wondering bro, no need to snap."

"Why didn't you call us? We should take some food home from this place, then you wouldn't need to be alone." I shrugged, maybe I wanted to be 'alone'.

"Have you guys seen that waitress?" Carter says, coming around the corner. He walks closer to the table and points back to where he came from. "Damn she's hot, and her tits are huge."

Carter was almost drooling and everyone was laughing. Everyone turns around and takes a look at the waitress it was the waitress who took care of me and Hope. The waitress looked up and saw us looking so she pulled her shirt over her tits, casually, and offered me a smile.

"She's looking at you Justin, You gonna get you some dessert huh?" Cameron laughed.

"No, she's my waitress"

"Whatever you say friend, Carter is looking for our food and we're leaving. Do you want to go with us, Justin?"

"No, I have my car here"

"Well are you coming with us, you seem to have finished eating here, or do you and Miss from over there have plans?" Carter said as they laughed and I joined. I can not believe I'm doing this. I felt an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach as I got up from my seat, left the restaurant, and jumped into my car.


I washed my hands and opened the bathroom door that quickly closed again to open just a little. Justin's friends had arrived, why are they here? They talked to Justin and shared some laughter together. Carter looked for a bag with the restaurant logo on it. I did not want to think that this was what Justin had seen through the window.

He didn't want us to be seen together. I let out a sigh. He was ashamed to be here with me.

I seen Justin got to his feet and the others headed for the door while Justin followed. My eyes widened in shock as he jumped into his car and the others jumped into the car behind Justin, and then the two cars left.

Justin left me, on our date .

What an idiot!



I can't believe Justin would do that! After saying sorry and everything :(

What do you think is going to happen next? Let me know!

- Sam 💞

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