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c h a p t e r: 43
u n e d i t e d

We were friends who were kissing on the couch, my couch. I was praying Jake would not come home now.

Justin licked the bottom and this time I knew what to do and how to do it. I did what he showed me the last time, I opened my mouth, giving him access. His tongue explored my mouth. My brain was screaming no, but something else was screaming yes. I grabbed his hair, placing my fingers over his soft waves as I tossed a little of them. My actions made Justin let out a deep, hoarse groan. It was one of the most sensual things I ever heard and the sexiest thing.

He made something deep inside me light up. I wanted to hear that again so I lightly scratched my nails on his scalp. He moaned again and this time was a little stronger and even more snoring. It gave me shivers down my back and goose bumps everywhere. He started kissing me on the neck and kissed me a special place that made me moan. I felt him smile and suck more horn in that place making me moan again.

"Your moans are the hottest thing on this earth, dammit."

He laughs and kissed me again on the lips. Suddenly my brain said no and reality hit me like a rock. Put your hands on Justin's chest and pull it aside, well at least try. He was too strong for me to move him an inch.

"Justin" I spoke into the kiss and stopped. He looked at me with a frown.

"We can't do this, Justin." He let out a deep sigh as he rose from me and sat down. He ran his hand through his hair. He did not look at me, but saw his manks.

"We said we were just going to be friends-"

"You said we should be friends, not I. For God's sake do not blame me," he snapped, and I was surprised by his harsh tone.

"But you agreed with it and I thought we were fine..."

He didn't answer me instead. He left the room and through the front door, not caring to close it. I got up and walked to the door, to see him drive away from the house. I stood there like a lost puppy, no idea what had just happened.

I Yawn and look at the clock, 9:30. I quietly close the door and went upstairs to my room. I changed into my pajamas and brushed my teeth. When I returned to my room I closed the curtains and looked at my phone. I had a message from Jake

From: Jake

I'll be home at 10.30. Sleep well sister, I love you <3

I answered him and got into bed. After a few minutes I was asleep.


I wake up by the sound of familiar beep. I opened my eyes to stop the alarm, and carried myself out of bed to the bathroom to do my daily routine. I set my makeup and dressed in black tight jeans with a black blouse with gold lettering and a sweater with white top. I walk down and the pancake smell filled my nostrils.

"Good morning gorgeous!" Jake greeted me as I walked in and saluted him. I sat down and handed me a plate of delicious pancakes. He took his stack and sat down. "Where were you a few night ago? Did you have a date?"

I almost drowned with my apple juice and looked at him.

"I was at Riley's house," I lied, once more. He nodded and we ate in comforting silence.

From: Cindy 💫

Do you want to go to school?

To: Cindy 💫

Yep! I'm omw

It was early. It was half past seven and it was ready, it was usually the other way around. I said goodbye to Jake and started walking to Cindy's house, asked me how I would go today at school and for the rest of the year since Justin promised that he would be nice to me. But since leaving me last night I felt horrible, knowing I could do it last night. But that would not be good, since he promised not to.

"Hey Avy."

My head got up and saw Cindy standing outside his house greeting me. I returned the gesture and we greeted each other with a hug before we started to walk to school. When we entered the courtyard of the school, everything was quiet. Only a few students had arrived. I looked around and my eyes fell on Justin and his friends. He didn't look at me, maybe he had not noticed. Cindy was talking to me somewhere in the back of my mind, but she soon left to go to his locker.

I walked past Justin and his friends, trying not to get their attention. But, of course, it was a fail. He gave me a quick glance and they all looked at me. I kept walking to my locker to get my books. As I took out my biology book my locker slammed shut. I turned around and saw Justin with a smile. I felt the knot in my stomach appear.

"Hello Hope," he smiled at me. His tone was calm and normal. I took a deep breath and greeted him back. He raised his hand and I closed my eyes and put my hands to my face, trying to protect myself. Surprised that the blow never came, I opened my eyes and realized that I had put her hand in the locker.

"I'm not going to hurt you," he said in a quiet voice as he looked at me between my fingers. I moved my hands away from my face, feeling a little calm.

"But-I know you'd do it again...because of last night," I stammered, my voice full of nervousness. He frowned.

"I'll never hurt you again, I promised you."


- Sam !! 💞

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