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c h a p t e r: 50
u n e d i t e d

I did not have time to react before Jake pushed Justin off. Justin fell to the ground and Jake was right on top of him. Jake put one of his hands around Justin's neck and was about to raise his other hand when he reacted.

"Jake let it go!" I shouted at him but did not listen. My grip on his arm slackened because of the fact that he was stronger than I was.

"Fucking idiot," Jake screamed as his fist came into contact with Justin's face. I tried to get Justin out, but I was too weak. Suddenly, Justin grabbed Jake with one of his free hands and turned it over. I hit Jake in the face and I felt the tears in my eyes when I saw the two people I want to fight in front of me.

"Enough!" I yelled at Justin. I grabbed him by the arm, trying to pull him away from Jake.

"Justin stop! This is enough!" And he did. He stood up, wiping the blood from his nose. Jake stood up slowly, his eyes wide. He looked at me with disappointed eyes.

"Jake, I ..."

He walked out of the room. I wiped away my tears, which was useless, since they only got wet by new ones. I felt Justin's arms around my waist, hugging me from behind. He turned me around and gave me a hug, slowly rubbing my back. I cried for a few minutes on his neck as he comforted me. I felt bad for hurting Jake. I knew he did not like Justin, especially after what he had done, but Justin treated me very well now. He was a different person than the one I met in the beginning of the school year.

"Are you okay?" I asked Justin. He smiled and gave me a wink.

"The question is, are you okay?" Justin asked me and I shrugged. I sat on my bed and Justin followed my movements.

"Hope, I'm sorry." He laced his hands together.

"Justin, I think I need to be alone for a while."

"Yes, of course, I imagine I'll see you tomorrow." He kissed me on the top of my head and left my room. Gradually I turned my head toward the window and saw Justin's black Range Rover pull away. I heard another loud explosion, and then Jake appeared in the driveway, jumped into his car and then drove away. I let out a shaky sigh long before I walked inside the bathroom. I walked into the shower, letting the hot water burn on my skin. I washed my hair with my coconut shampoo and conditioner before washing my body. When I finished, I went out and dried my body with a spongy white towel. When I was dry, I covered my whole body with strawberry lotion. I felt exhausted as I lay down on the couch as I turned on the television. Nothing good was happening so leave a news channel. I heard my phone vibrate, and I let out a sigh when I saw who it was.

From: Boyfriend 🤎

Baby , I'm so sorry. I did not want to do that or mess with you and your relationship with your brother. I just wanted to see you. I am sorry. x -J

I sigh as I sent him a "it's okay" before I tried to call Jake. I heard the beep but suddenly stopped. He had hung me up. I took a deep breath trying not to cry in front of the text messages.

To: Jakey :)

Please answer - and I need to talk with you. I love you x

I waited for his answer, but it never came. I felt my eyes heavy and my eyelids closing and soon they were drifting out of a deep sleep hoping that this day would be a bad nightmare.


"Hope, love, wake up" I heard the familiar voice echo through my brain as my body gently stirred out of my nap. Slowly I opened my eyes, rubbing to see my mother standing with a smile.

"Long day?" She smiled as I nodded.

"Your father and I just got home. I was wondering what you wanted for dinner?"

I got up and went with my mother to the kitchen. She told me about her long shift with potato and her different surgery.

"Have you seen Jake today?"

"Y-yes" I stuttered.

"Something has happened?"

She was interrupted by a loud knock on the door. I guess Jake's here.

"Do not hit the door Jake," I heard my father say in the hallway. He came in with a smile and greeted me. Since their turns became more intense, they usually never get home. Jake came in and I tried to catch his attention, but his eyes did not meet mine.

"Hello honey, how was your day?" Mom asked him and he just replied with a "good". My mother frowned at his behavior and so did my dad.

"Do not use that tone with your mother! Did someone wake up on the wrong side of th bed?" He said in his firm tone but he chuckled at the end. Jake simply sat in his chair in front of me.

"More like coming home and seeing your sister almost fucking a thug," he murmurs in a whisper. My eyes open to what he said.

"What did you say?" My dad said, he did not hear it the first time.

"Why don't you ask Hope?"

I felt my cheeks warm as my parents turned their attention to me. My father frowned at me. I swallowed.

"Nothing, Papa." I smiled.

"Don't lie. Come on Hope, tell them about how you were fucking your boyfriend on your bed."

I heard my parents gasp. Oh no.

The Senior - j.b Where stories live. Discover now