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c h a p t e r:  29
u n e d i t e d

The kiss was incredible. Her lips were warm and soft, but although I hate to admit it, Justin's felt as if they fit more with mine.

She pulled back and looked me in the eye, then turned and entered her house. I felt very uncomfortable after the kiss, would I have done something wrong ? 

I started to walk home and my mind returned to what happened at school. Fucking bipolar psychopath. I felt the rage enter my body. In my past, nothing ever came this far, I was never so exposed. They did horrible things to me, but never something like that. I felt chills down my spine as my mind went to when he told me this was just the beginning.

What happens next?

I went into my house and went straight to my room. I closed the door and took out my diary. I like my diary and I owe everything to him. Without my journal, I would probably have started cutting myself or something like that when someone did something to me in my past. However, every time I wrote in my journal it felt as if someone listened and even cared about me. It was the only thing that listened to me when everything began and I did not dare to tell my family. Some people think that a journal is childish, but I think it's a great way to let your feelings come out. 

"Hope! Come here, now!" I hear Jake shout from below. I hide my journal before going downstairs. My eyes open after I see what was in front of me.

Jake had the photo in his hands and his expression said he was very angry. I've forgotten the paper in my pocket. I swallowed. 

"What the hell is this, Hope, huh? Did not you think about telling me this?" He shouted at me. I know he was too upset. He was very protective about me and even more protective since I told him about my past. Just look down, because I did not want to talk about it. 

"Who did this to you? Is this boy Justin? Tell me" I did not move, I just continued to look at my feet and hands. 

"Do not you dare hide it from me, sister! If it's Justin, he's a dead man, you know!"

I looked into his eyes and I ran into his arms and broke. While I cried, I felt his arm around me and rubbed my back whispering words of comfort in my ear. He could not take it any longer and it felt so good to let him out. 

"I do not know what I've done to him to treat me like this," I whispered, not moving from his warm embrace. 

"Everything will be fine, you understand? Justin is an idiot," he said as he looked into my eyes.

I nodded my head and then wiped my tears away. We sat in the living room and talked for a while, was happy that my parents were not home. They worked hard these days. 

"Please, do not tell Mom and Dad" I looked at him and he nodded and I felt relief. Tonight was just what I needed. Talk and spend time with my brother. I went to bed and felt good about letting my brother know, he is my guardian. 

I woke up on my alarm and went to do my morning routine. My parents were still working, they had a night shift in the hospital and they would not be home until eight. Jake was still asleep. I make myself a quick breakfast, so I write a note to Jake. 

To: Cindy 💫

I'm leaving my house now if you want some company to school :) 

I texted Brad and he gave me a quick response. 

From : Cindy 💫 

I have something to do before school so I'm going to walk afterwards

I felt like she did not want to walk with me. I pushed those thoughts and kept walking. When I got to school I saw Riley outside and frowned. 

"What are you doing here so early?" I smiled and she returned the gesture. 

"I do not want you to be here alone, not now when Justin's acting like a jerk." She chuckled. We stayed and talked a little when a familiar voice said my name. I took a deep breath and turned around. Justin and his friends were behind him. 

"I love your photo, some of my friends thank you very much." He wiggled his eyebrows and opened my mouth in shock. He showed them to his friends 

"Yeah, your body is sexy." Nash winked at me. I felt very bad and embarrassed. 

"Justin!" All our heads turned to the right. My eyes opened and my heart started beating faster by the familiar voice and the too familiar people in front of us. 

Jake and his friends.


Uh oh! What's going to happen? What do you think?

Let me know!

- Sam 💞

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