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c h a p t e r: 9
u n e d i t e d

Carter and I danced and just enjoyed each others company. Neither of us could dance so we just ended up laughing and making a fool of ourselves, but we didn't care. I saw Riley sitting on Matthew's lap and they were making out. Carter took my arm and we walked to a calmer place which was outside the house. We sat down on the porch with some drinks and had a great laugh.

"Hope, I'm not going to sleep with you." He suddenly blurted out and we both went quiet before I chuckled at his announcement.

"That's good to know." I said and we both laughed

"And no its not that I don't think you're attractive. You are, and you're very beautiful." He said before taking a sip from his cup and his words made me blush.

"Thank you, but then why not?" I asked as I giggled with full curiosity and then he looked at me.

"Because you have a thing for Justin and I think he has a thing for you too. Don't deny, I've seen the looks between you guys." He said before he chuckled, slurring some of his words due to all the alcohol.

"I don't, and he hasn't either " I said as I blushed. The thought if me and Justin together made me smile all feel all warm inside.

"Of course you have don't lie, I won't tell him and yes I think he has." He said as he poked my side and we chuckled.

Suddenly I heard a familiar voice and the music disappeared. Everyone walked out to the entrance and Justin stood there, his clothes all messed up and his messy, quite attractive on him. But I felt like throwing up when I saw Ciara walking down the stairs with a huge smile on her face, fiver her dress and her hair was also messy. She stood next to Justin and intertwined their fingers. They slep together. Right now. Just now.

"So as we all know we have a new girl here." Justin spoke and my heart stopped as I felt my stomach flip. They can't be serious. Please don't do anything, went through my mind repeatedly.

"Where is she?" Justin asked slurry due to all the alcohol and a bit next to me and rised my hand and everyone looked at me, I felt the blush creeping on my face.

"Come up here " Ciara said and Justin looked at her then back at me. I didn't move but someone behind me pushed me towards.

"Hope is new and i think that we need to give her a welcoming since she's a newbie." Justin said as his smile on his lips were evil and everyone cheered.

"So Hope, you have two options." Justin said and I took a deep breath.

"Sleep with my man Nash over there or run naked around the house " he said and his words made all the air in my body disappear. I felt sick. I looked over to that Nash guy and he was also a senior, I could tell because he had a senior jacket on. He had brown hair and blueish gray eyes. Matthew and his gang looked better though, to be honest. I didn't want to sleep with him.

"What do you choose Hope? Run naked or have some fun with Nash over there?" Ciara repeated Justin's rules, which made him roll his eyes at her and let go of her hand. I looked to see if I can find Riley in the crowd. When I spotted her, she had a shocked expressing on her face. When I say her I mentally begged for help.

"What happens if I don't do any of it?" I said with full confidence.

"The rest of highschool for you, will be hell." Ciara said and chuckled, she knew that I wouldn't do any of them.

"What happens if I do one of them?" I asked as I rose my eyebrow ay the two of them.

"Then you will have a great time in highschool " she said cheerfully and Justin nodded with a natural expression.

"I choose..."



Who would've thought?

Which one would you have done if you were in her shoes? Would you sleep with Nash, run around naked, or do neither and take the rap?

Well, I wasn't a virgin at 17 so Nash wouldn't have mattered to me. In Hope's shoes, who knows?

Let me know what you think!

Don't forget to like, comment, and add suggestions!

- Sam 💞

The Senior - j.b Where stories live. Discover now