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c h a p t e r: 47
u n e d i t e d



"Open the fucking door, Hope, you're going to be late for school"


I turned in my sleep as the back of my head heard the screams. My eyes flare open as someone knocked on the door. My lips formed a smile when I saw Justin sleeping peacefully on the side of my bed. His hair were in all directions. He looked so cute with his eyes closed and his mouth slightly open.

"Come on Avery!" It was Jake. Panic entered my body as I knew how furious I would be if I saw Justin here. I can say that both Justin's head and mine would be served on platters of silver if my parents found out about this. Well my parents have been very protective of me since I had a hard time, but I think my mother would be happy for me, but a little annoyed at having a kid at home when they were away. My father, on the other hand, was going to explode. I've always been Daddy's girl and always wanted to make him proud of me. We've never had 'the talk' but we've said some weird things in a difficult time. Once my mother and I saw a program with different families with more than nine children as my dad came in and told me that I should always use protection to be sure.

"I'm getting ready, calm down, Jake." I looked at the clock, I had 25 minutes to get Justin to school. I pushed Justin lightly but he did not move. I shook it and let out a deep, rough moan, which was the hottest thing my ears had ever heard.

"What?" He frowned, his voice so deep and hoarse, more than usual. No answer just gives me an assent as I smiled. I smiled back and then ran into the bathroom to get ready quickly, so make sure to bring my clothes with me to change me into the bathroom.

"You can change here if you want, I do not care" He wiggled his eyebrows at my response and made me blush thing that made him laugh. I put a finger on his lips to keep him quiet. He frowned once more.

"My brother is at home and if-"

"I understand," I whisper back with a small chuckle. I went into the bathroom and put on some jeans, a white blouse and a chain necklace, and then a scarf over it. The hair I picked up in a messy bun and some natural makeup on my face. I left Justin was nowhere to be found. I heard a honk, looked out the window and saw Justin in his Range Rover. I ran downstairs and shouted a goodbye to Jake, who laughed at me for being late. I walked to the car and jumped in and then walked away.

Justin wore his black skinny pants and a black T-shirt with his necklace with a cross. His eyes focused on the road, but after a few seconds I felt his hand searching mine. He found mine and entwined his hands and his actions made me blush.

"What are we going to do when we get to school?" I was curious if I wanted people to know we were dating.

"You're my girlfriend and they need to keep their hands off of you" he chuckled, but still frowned.

"I thought you were a guy who does not want people to know that we were dating. From that moment when you said that you did not know me in the hallway"

He looked at my hands and gave me a squeeze that made me smile a little. "Yes, I know, but I want people to know that you are my girlfriend so they do not have their nasty hands on you. Only my hands can touch you, you are mine," he said possessively and very protectively. I've always had the feeling that Justin was the groom for protection and care.

"How possessive of you." I laughed and he smiled.

"I am only protective of what is mine and we are here" he went down and opened the door for me, being the gentleman he is. I smiled and gave him a 'thank you'.

We walked to the door of the school and before entering the hall, took one of my hands. I smiled as I blushed something that made him laugh. I was nervous about how people would react to our relationship. When we entered the interior all eyes rested on us. I felt panic in my chest as they all stared at each other and murmured to each other. Justin squeezed his hand, which made him look at him. He smiled and returned the gesture.

"Do they not they have a TV at home? What's wrong with them?" Justin yelled in the hallway, which made them all look away and gave him a grateful look, I guess he felt my discomfort.

"Hope" I heard the familiar voice scream and I felt the smile on my face. I saw Riley in the lockers outside and next to her was Matthew. My eyes widen as I saw her hands clasped together and her other hand waved at me. We walked towards them and the closer we came they let our hands go.

"Hello!" I greeted her with a hug. Matthew and Justin started talking to each other, laughing occasionally.

"We have to hurry and damn girl, we have to talk" she laughed. Justin and I said goodbye with a passionate kiss. It was quite embarrassing to kiss him in front of the whole aisle watching us. The people whistled towards us and some applauded.

"See you at lunch." He winked at me and they both walked away. Riley and I walked to English class to have our first lesson of the day. Riley had to leave 15 minutes earlier to go to our school nurse because of her headache. I let out a deep sigh as I wanted to have lunch with Justin, Riley and the rest.

Mr. Smith was talking about an essay that was about an issue that happened to us on our own. The lesson ended and I hurried to the cafeteria to meet everyone. When I entered the room I felt someone pulling my arm and threw me into a small room.

"Well, hello Hope, you're just the one I wanted to talk to"

The chills and every hair on my body got up. I swallowed.

"Dude ..."


Thank you!

- Sam 💞

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