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c h a p t e r:  53
u n e d i t e d

WHEN THE LAST class was over, I hurried to my locker to hurry home without Justin noticing. He walked down the street, listening to the birds and the wind through the trees. I hugged the jacket closer to my body as the cold air hit my skin. A few cars drove by as I entered and I passed Cindy's house, which was dark. She was probably with that girl she's been dating. I think her name was Danielle or something.

I always wonder why Justin had never been like Cindy. She is always helping the one who is in need and never bothering someone.

If I would, Jake would be happy for me and I would never fight him. But I was happy that Justin was Justin. He had his flaws, but who he was.

"I thought we were going to have each other's company today?" A familiar voice asked and I turned to see the quiff-haired boy frowning as he smiled.

"Oh, I'm sorry I forgot," I lied and smiled at him. He approached me and took my face in his hands before slamming his lips against mine. Soon his left hand left my face and slipped up to my waist and pulled me to him as he deepened the kiss as he pushed his tongue into my mouth, as we both fought for dominance. 

After a while he pulled away and his eyes met mine. He was handsome, his hair was brown sand, thin and he always wears his new clothes.

"I love you." He smiled and gave me a kiss on my lips. I gave her a small smile. He took my hand and began to walk.

"How was your day?" He tried to start a conversation.

"Fine." I simply said and shrugged. 

"Did something happen baby?" He frowned. 

"No, it's just ... we have to talk," I finally said as we walked. He murmured a 'good' as we walked. I knew Jake would be at Hannah's house today, which is always there on Fridays.

We walked inside my house and up to my room. He sat on my bed as I closed the door, you never know about Jake.

"What do you want to talk about?" I looked at him. He had placed his arm on her legs as he looked at me. 


His eyes widen as he nodded. I approached him and sat down next to him. 

"What about us baby?" He put one of his hands on my back as I rubbed in small circles as he kissed my neck. I took a deep breath to calm myself before I spoke.

"This last month has been incredible, it really has been, but there is something you should know" I took a break while I nodded. "Jake and I are still fighting. It's a little worse than before"

"Why did you not tell me?" He frowned as his voice filled with anger and sadness. 

"I wanted to give us another chance."

He nodded as he stopped his rubbing on my back.  "So you wanna break?" He looked into my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Yes" As my words came out of my mouth he got out of bed and left without saying anything. He closed the door and soon there was another knock on the door as he descended the stairs. I lay down on the bed and left everything. I cried until I fell asleep.


"Hope ... Honey, wake up." A soft familiar voice echoed in my head. I opened my eyes and saw my mother smiling. I rubbed red and swollen eyes as his smile faded.

"Honey, what happened?" My mom sat on my bed as she looked at me.

"It's just ..."

I burst into tears and she hugged me close to her body as she rubbed my back. I felt my mind repeat the moments in my head when Justin did this. 

"Shh ... Love is fine," my mother told me. I told her about Justin. I was not angry or disappointed in myself which made me very relieved. I told her the whole story.

"So you guys took a break?" I nodded my head. "Honey, it's okay, let's go downstairs and I can make some pancakes."

I smiled and nodded. She was the best mother and I knew that from the day that Justin's name came out of Jake's mouth she was happy for me. 

We went downstairs and made myself some pancakes, my father was still at work, Mom told me she was going to sleep there since she had an operation very early tomorrow. We sat down and ate the delicious pancakes while we talked about everything.

"Thank you for dinner, Mom, I think I'll go to bed." I nodded and she nodded.

"Sure honey, sweet dreams." I smiled as I walked back to my room. Even though I had talked to my mom I felt the tears in my eyes, I wanted to have my brother back. My thought was interrupted by a slamming from below. I wanted to talk and laugh with him. 

"Is she home?" Jake asked my mother.

"Yes she is resting. She had a bad day and I think she needs you right now.."

"Well, she should've thought of that before."

"Jake, I raised you better than this. You've always been by her side and she really needs you now."

Sounds of heavy footsteps filled the house and tears ran down my cheeks. There was a soft knock on my door.

"Hope, are you awake?"

"Yes." My voice cracked as I spoke in tears. The door opened and he entered. He lit the lamp on my bedside table. He said nothing, just hugged me. He gave me his special hug that gave my soul peace.

"Sorry, sis, I'm really sorry" I smiled in the embrace and the tears ran down my cheeks, not tears sad this time, only tears of happiness. I had my brother. We talked and I took the courage to tell him about Justin. He did not bother to say anything, he just let me down for keeping him a secret from him, but he understood why.

"I just want you to be safe, but I also want you to be happy so if you are happy I think you should be with him"

"He does not want to talk to me for what I did"

"If he loves you, he will."

I smiled at him and sent a message to Justin. I did not receive a reply, so I called but there was no response. When I called the second time, I hung up. Jake said good night and I returned the gesture before falling asleep, hoping that tomorrow would be better. 


I closed Hope's door before walking up the stairs again.

"Mom, I'm going out for a while." She responded with a "good." I went out to my car and sent a message to my friends to meet me at the pub. I arrived a little early which made me wait for the others. I saw the cars of Justin and his friends outside which made me smile. Chad's car stopped and with him, Troy's. Then Jack and Chase arrived.

"Okay guys keep a low profile well, I need to get to Justin" Everyone nodded as we walked inside. The pub sound filled my ears. My eyes fell on Justin. His whole head turned in our direction as we walked inside.

"Hey, Jake. you're on a date with your boyfriends?" Cameron yelled as they laughed. We walked to his table.

"I do not want a fight here guys" The waiter told us. 

"We did not come to fight just to talk," I assured him. I looked back at Justin who had his eyes on me.  "Justin we have to talk."

"I do not think so, Jake. Can not you see we're trying to have some fun?" Justin said as he drank his beer.

"Now Justin!" I demanded. All my muscles tightened as he rose from his seat. We walked outside the pub. He turned and looked at me. 

"What do you want to talk about?"

"I need you to get back with Hope."

The Senior - j.b Where stories live. Discover now