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c h a p t e r: 7
u n e d i t e d

I woke up from the heavy rain outside. I looked up at the clock, I was lucky today, only walking up 10 minutes my designated time. I let out a desperated sigh. Just thinking about having to go to svhool in this weather makes me want to roll over and sleep the rest of the day, then the party took over my mind. I got up, slowly I may add, and went to get on my black pants and the school hoodie. I pulled my hair up in a messy bun and put on some mascara and ChapStick.

I looked inside my closet while I was waiting in breakfast. What should I wear tonight? I don't have anything to wear, not a single dress that would make me look good. I'm not a dress girl.

To: Riley

I don't have anything to wear tonight! Help!

From: Riley

Its okay, you can borrow something from me, and we will fix it after school. :;)

I was happy to have someone like Riley. She was nice and she knew what to and not to do. I felt safe with her and we had promised each other to look after one another tonight. I texted her a quick "thank you" before I went down to get some food. My dad was home and he was quite worried about the party but at the same time, happy for me. I promised him I would be careful.

I walked to school under my umbrella and the rain had started to ease off. When I arrived at school, I could hear everyone talking about tonight and how much fun it would be.

' I don't know what to wear, oh my god.'

'It will be so much fun.'

'I really want to impress Justin and the boys, I hope that I will get a chance.'

I walked to my locker and got my books as I tried to ignore the people talking about the party or outfits for tonight even lingerie.

"Hey Hope." I heard Riley greet me and I returned the greet. We talked for a little but we got interrupted by Ciara's horrible squeaky voice, she walked towards us.

"Hi Hope.... Riley" she said as she looked down at Riley.

"Well Hope, I wanted to talk to you and BAMM here you are." She giggled and I gave a fake smile. I know a hoe when I see one. Believe me.

"A little bird have told me that Justin personally asked you to come to his party." Ciara said with a friend and her lips in a thin line.

"A little bird? it was me th-" Blondie, or Fiona said and Ciara cut her off.

"Its just a saying, Blondie." Ciara sighed at her friends stupidly then looked at me again after flipping a piece of her hair back.

"So what's wrong with that?" I asked and Ciara gave me a death glare.

"Eh, he's popular. H, he's more popular than you can imagine and he has so much more power of a role than you would ever have so shut up," she snapped. I've got a nickname. H.

"Don't talk to her like that, and her name is Hope." Riley yelled at her, more and more people started to listen to our conversation.

"What I wanted to tell you is.." She ignored Riley as she got closer to my ear and her horrible sweet perfume filled my nose.

"Don't you dare even touch him, he's mine okay? Got it?" She said in a threatening voice and I nodded. They walked away and people were still staring at me and Riley. Justin and the others walked in and just looked at us and everyone else. Riley pulled my arm and we walked to class as she told me to not care about Ciara.

After school Riley drove me to her house, it was beautiful. She showed me around and then we ate some oreo cookies with milk. Then it was time for the preparation for the party. I had told her that it was my first party ever so she helped me get dressed, fix my makeup and hair. She gave me a dark blue dress that was tight around my breast and flowed around beautifully from the tight part, to mid thigh where the dress ended. Riley had a tight black dress that looked amazing on her. She did a natural makeup for both of us and she curled my blonde hair and she straightened hers. She sat on the bed asking me to come out and show her everything. I walked out and she got a high smile in her face.

"That will make Justin's jaw drop, for sure." We then both giggled, ready for the night.

Hey guys!

If you see ANY typos, incorrect grammar, etc, LET ME KNOW!!

in-line comment them and I'll fix them, I'm human and I sometimes overlook things. thank you!

But are you excited for the party!? Let me know

Don't forget to like and comment!

- Sam 💞

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