
167 14 1

c h a p t e r: 8
u n e d i t e d

We took some photos then we headed to the party. I can't deny that I'm nervous. Actually, I'm super nervous. Jakes words were all over my mind about me getting humiliated or something like that because I'm new. It felt Like something would happen because I was the newbie and Justin could determine how my years at the school would me. As these thoughts occupied my mind, we pulled up outside a huge white mansion. The loud was playing making everything shake.

"Now we are going to have fun, Hope" Riley said full of excitement. We walked together towards the house then inside. The house was just as beautiful inside as it was outside, if not more beautiful. I looked around and saw girls with the shortest dresses ever, if you would call that a dress. More like just a piece of fabric. They ended right above their asses' some didn't even go all the way over. My dress was like a long gala dress compared to theirs. But I didn't want to be dressed like that, I wasnt comfortable with my body that exposed, for various reasons.

"Come on, let's get us some drinks " Riley pulled me towards the kitchen. There was so many people here, I haven't seen Justin yet or any of his crew. In the kitchen, there were some people who played some Ping pong game, we stood and watched for few minutes.

"So what are you going to do tonight?" Riley asked and to be honest, I don't know so I just shrugged.

"Well I know what I'm going to to try to do." She winked and her eyes looked over at Matthew, who had just came into the kitchen. He looked really good tonight. He had a white tank top with jeans and black and blue flannel Shirt tied around his hope, his hair in its natural quiff. He was like a supermodel that had been ripped out if a fashion magazine.

"Matthew!" She said and he looked at her with a smile. Riley walked over to him and they went towards the dance floor in the huge living room I walked around and looked at all the people dancing, grinding on each other, making out, smoking, and drinking. I stood in the middle of the room sipping on the drink in my red cup

"You came." I heard that famikar dark raspy voice as I turned around and I saw him. He looked absolutely flawless, perfect. He has black skinny jeans and a white tank top showing his muscles and tattoos, his cross necklace, a few bracelets, and a red cup in his hand.

"When you're done with mentally undressing, I would love if you would dance with me." Oh he noticed me. And his words made me blush even though he full of himself. I just nodded and we walked towards the floor, then it hit me. I can't dance. As we walked I saw Ciara with a very short strapless black dress, smokey eyes, and her hair was straight. Ciara saw us walking and came up next to Justin.

"Justin, you promised me a dance and I want it now." She said as she looked at me with a disgusted look.

"Well, can't it wait for later? I kind of trying to dance with Hope." He said as he rose a voice a little, not out of anger but just to get his point across. Ciara then started to touch Justin and give him the fake puppy dog eyes.

"Please you asked me first." She said seductively. I soon then felt Justin's tight grip loosen around my waist. He took Ciaras hand and they walked away and started to grind on each other. Ciara placed his hands on her waist before giving me expression like she won.

"Why are you standing here alone?" I head an unfamiliar voice with a different accent. West coast accent. I turned around and saw Carter. He looked just as breathtaking. I guess that all of them decided to go on with a white tank, but they all still look good.

"I-im supposed to be dancing with Justin but I guess he suddenly became busy." I looked at them now dancing, face to face grinding. I sighed

"Don't care about Ciara, she's a slut." He said making us both chuckle. His eyes roamed my body up and down before clearing his throat.

"Let's go get us some drinks " he said and I snook my head no, as I held up my cup.

"But my cup isn't empty." I said and he took my cup from my hands and chugged it down, drinking everything.

"Now it is." He said with a cheeky smile as he winked at me.


:) ooh hope talking to carter! What's going to happen!?

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- Sam 💞

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