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c h a p t e r: 17
u n e d i t e d

I let him in and a showed him the way to the kitchen. He looked at many different photos on the fridge. The majority of the photos were me and my brother bathing when we were only two, then there was some pictures of my mom, my dad, and my grandparents.

"Its you and.."

"My brother." I smiled at us in the one photo. Jake had only a diaper and I was naked and both of us had ice cream around our mouths. I looked at Matthew and he had a smile on his face.

"Before we start, do you want anything to eat or drink?" I asked and he looked at me.

"Water is enough." He said and I poured some. I sat down and he followed, sitting in front of me. I took out my book and started on the work.

"I think that you're going to write an essay about the theme you have in....biology." He looked up at me and I nodded.

"Its has something to do with sex Ed." He said smirking at me making me blush a little.

"Is that it?" He just shrugged, "that's all I remember."

"Thanks" I said sarcastically.

"What? You're not thankful? I'm here sitting here on my free time talking about homework." He chuckled and I joined. We rose out of our seats and walked towards the door. He opened the door and turned around.

"So youre coming tomorrow?" He asked and I nodded.

"That's great, see you then and if you have any question you can always ask me. I'm in the hall you know." He then winked.

"Okay, thanks and thanks for helping me with the work." I smiled, very grateful.

"No problem baby, and remember I'm in the hall. Bye." Then he walked towards his car and drove away. I looked up at the clock and it was already 6:05. I heard a car pull up in the drive way and I assumed it was mom or dad since jake was at Hannah's place tonight. I would love to find love like them.

"Hey darling, how are you feeling now?" My dad walked inside the kitchen and we talked about his day at the hospital, some bad injuries and some operations and telling Mr that mom would have the graveyard shift.

"Whos class is this?" He frowned as he looked at me with Matthews cup In his hand. I gulped.

"A friend came here and gave me the things I missed since I went home early so I let him in and-"

"Him? Hope did you have a boy home alone?" I gulped again, nodding to his question.

"Riley was supposed to give it to me, and I'm surprised as you are, that Justin showed up and gave them to me."

"Justin? The one that jake has been talking about? I don't like him Hope and you shouldn't be talking to him." He stated.

"Yeah, but he is nice." He sighed and left the conversation. We made dinner and ate. Then I walked back to my room, feeling super tired. I read a few pages in The hatchet then I fell asleep.


I woke up by the beeping noise of my alarm clock. I shut it off and took a quick shower, did my other morning business, then I got dressed in my white uniform with black pants. I decided to leave my hair down, and I put mascara on, going downstairs to eat breakfast, then heading to school.

I walked inside towards my locker and put In the books I got last night. Then taking out the book for my next class, history.

"Hey Hope, I'm so happy you came today!" Riley voice filled my ears and I smiled.

"Yeah I feel better now."

"And you look better than yesterday. Did you get the book and assignment paper's?" Papers?

"What papers? I only got books and Justin told me about a project essay in biology."

"That's like one fourth of the stuff." Great.

"Where is Justin?" She shrugged and I looked around.

"There he is." She pointed to him and his locker around his friends and two girls. One blonde and the other was brunette. The blonde stood and touched Justin. The brunette was with Shawn. They actually looked cute together.

"Wait here." She nodded and I took the courage to walk to him. He said I could ask anything. I got close and I heard them laugh. I cleared my throat to get their attention.

"Oh look guys, its pukey" Nash said and everyone laughed. Some other people around laughed, too. The brunette next to him nudged him and sent me an apologetic smile. I smiled her, as if I was saying it was okay.

"What do you want pukey?" Shawn asked, but they way he said it you can tell he really didn't want to say it.

"I wanted to ask Justin something." They chuckled.

"Justin, you have a secret admirer, I think she wants the D. Am I right Pukey?" Carter said, laughing but it was more of a forced one.

"No I don't. I just wanted to ask Justin if he lost the assignment papers." I said and they all looked at him.

"What papers Justin?" Nash asked as he frowned.

"I don't know what she's talking about." Justin said, shrugging.

"She just wanted to talk with you Justin,maybe to take you into the bathroom and have fun" Carter chuckled as they followed with laughter, the only one that didn't laugh was the Brunette.

"I just wanted to get the papers. Riley said that what you me and talked about yesterday at my place was only one-"

"Did you go to her house Justin?" They all laughed except Justin. He looked up at me and when our eyes met, he looked back down. Then back up.

"No I didn't, she's making things us. Why would I spend my time with her?"


Wow Justin, it's like that.?!?

Who seen that coming?

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- Sam 💞

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