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c h a p t e r: 48
u n e d i t e d

Everyone's voices rang in my head as my eyes locked on the entrance to the cafeteria. My eyes looked quickly at the clock, 11:15.

Hope was fifteen minutes late. My leg started to hit the floor while I waited patiently for her at the door. I looked at Riley talking to Matthew.

"Riley, where is she?" I asked in a stern tone. Quiet his laugh of a joke that Cameron had said. My patience ending as she did not respond.

"I do not know, we said we were going to meet here." She shrugged and nervously looked at the clock. I looked at the door once more, when someone came through the door but not Hope, it was Ciara with her stupid friends after her. Ciara made her way over trying to look seductive but she just looked like an idiot licking her lips and tugging her hands through her dirty blond hair.

"Hi Justin," he said as he stood beside our table, blocking my view on the door.

"Get out of here, Ciara." I pushed her aside to look again. Ciara stopped laughing and I pulled out my phone to check it. There was a text from Hope.

From : Baby ❤️

I felt a little bad. I went home, see you tomorrow!

I read the message several times. Something was not right.

"Riley, Hope said she went home, did she tell you she felt sick?" It came out more like a question and she frowned. Something definitely was not right. I got up and practically ran out of the cafeteria and into my car in the parking lot. I turned it on and drove as fast as I could to Hope's house. I parked right in front of the house and ran to the door. I called once, there is no answer. I called again, there is no answer. I called for the third time, still no answer. I let out a deep sigh and then I walked into the tree in his yard and then started to climb. The memories of the night before were reproducing in my head along with nervousness. Her curtains were blocking my view and so I look around the area to see if she was alone. I tried to push his window open, But it was closed so I gave it a soft tap but nothing happened.

"Open the window, Hope. I know you're there" nothing. Suddenly, the curtains opened a little and my eyes open in front of me. Hope's hair was in all directions and her beautiful eyes were red, while her eyelash mask flowed down her pink cheeks. My eyes picked up that the right cheek was redder than the other.

"Open up Hope!" I yell but she shook her head as she looked down. "Babe, come on."

She shook her head once more. He pulled at the curtain a little, making me scream at the moment.

"Open!" I shouted but she did not do anything. We stayed like this for a few moments. My thoughts were interrupted by the opening of the window. I looked up and got into his room. She had a pink blanket around her small body and her back against me. Slowly I walked towards her and when I got to her, I turned her around without saying anything simply letting out a sigh. I pulled her chin to make her gaze center on me.

"What happened?"


I shook my head at her question, giving her a hint that I did not want to talk about that horrible scene that kept repeating as Ciara and her friends pushed me toward the corner of the bathroom. After she insulted me in multiple ways she slapped me. I felt Justin's hands on my waist close to me. He hugged me and that's what I needed. I could do nothing but let it all out. I rested my head on my neck and rubbed my back.

"Shh ... baby."

After a few minutes of crying, I turned away and looked at him. I wipe the tears in my cheeks. Then he gave me a passionate kiss.

"Please tell me baby."

I nodded. I told him everything and saw his muscles tighten at my words. When I told him more tears flowed slowly down my cheeks. I rub my back and kissed the top of my head.

"You think being with me was a mistake?" I asked him curiously. His eyes open to my question.

"No!" He looked at me but you could hear the panic in his voice. "Do you?"

"I don't know."

The Senior - j.b Where stories live. Discover now