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c h a p t e r:  31
u n e d i t e d

I sat on my bed, still furious at Justin. I was also upset with Jake for starting a fight at school but I know he did it to protect me. Tomorrow was Friday and I had no plans for the weekend. Just have some time alone, sleep and eat. 

I ate dinner, I changed into my pajamas, and then I went to bed. I thought of all the things that happened today until I fell asleep.  I was awakened by the horrible sound of my alarm. Turn it off and let out a moan. My head hurt. I took a painkiller and did my daily routine. I pulled on my black tight jeans with a white shirt and a jacket on top and picked up my hair in a ponytail. After that go down and have breakfast. As I was about to walk out the front door I saw Jake coming down the stairs, just awake. Her hair in different directions and some bruising from the fight. He was wearing gray trousers in a black T-shirt. 

"Oh, you're leaving now, have you had breakfast?" He grunted and gave me a sleepy smile. I nodded and smiled. 

"Be careful today and if that asshole messes with you, call me." I nodded and closed the door. Walking down the road I started to think. I do not know if I should write to Cindy or just walk alone. I did not want to walk to school alone after yesterday. 

To: Cindy 💫 

Do you want to walk with me to school? xx

From: Cindy 💫


I started to walk a little faster, I'm very excited to see Cindy and talk to her. For being a Senior, she was a very nice girl. She did not mock me, or intimidate me or call me by different nicknames. She defended me, just like my older brother. I her his street and saw a tall figure in the middle of the road. I smiled but soon vanished when I realized it was not Cindy who was standing there, it was Justin.

"What are you doing here? Where's Cindy?" He smiled, but I did not return the gesture. I hated that man, honestly. 

"Hello Hope, how are you?" He chuckled, but I kept my stern expression. I looked at him and realized that he was serious. 

"I had to fix something at school and I was here, so I told him I could walk with you." I rolled my eyes. 

"Why were you here?" I jumped and now he rolled his eyes at me. 

"We can not just walk, you do not want to be late, do you?" He said as he let out a sigh, he was right. I did not want to be late for school. I wanted to get there and then go home. We started walking and the awkward silence around us was unbearable. I just wanted to get to school so I did not have to stand by this guy who has been bothering me for weeks. 

"What classes do you have today?" He tried to break the silence and did not know if he should answer or not 

"Why do you care?" I spit. 

"I'm sorry for asking" 

"Leave the shit Justin, why do you even think I'd like to talk to you after what you did to me?" I spit it out once more as we walked through the parking lot. I saw Riley outside the school entrance, her eyes wide, because of what she was seeing. Justin was silent. I walked away from him and saluted Riley who asked me why I was with him. 

J U S T I N  

This girl is impossible. I'll never get a chance to talk to her again. He wanted to know that his brother was talking yesterday. When I said those words I felt a little guilty and regret, Hope was harassed before ? It did not matter anyway. She did not belong here, she never understood my vibes, she did not complete her challenge at the party and this was her punishment. I grabbed my phone and dialed Carter's number.

"Hey friend!" he answered. 

"Hey Carter, did you find him yet?" I needed to find him and now. He had to pay. 

"Yes, he and his friends are out of school right now, the boys and I are here" 

"Have you seen them?" 

"No, come here and finish with this" he sounded excited which made me laugh. We finished up our conversation, and I turned on the car and went to his school. I saw their cars on the sidewalk. I looked over the school yard and jumped out of the car. Followed by the rest of the boys we walked towards them.   

"Hey Jake."

The Senior - j.b Where stories live. Discover now