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c h a p t e r: 21
u n e d i t e d

I put on my jacket and started to walk. It was actually pleasant to walk, to breathe the good cold air of London. On my way there were some darker areas, here and there, but it was fine. I decided to take a shorter path home so I walked past my school, so I knew I would be home. I stepped into my street and saw a black Range Rover parked a few feet away from my driveway. As I approached, the driver's door opened. It was Justin. I let out a sigh and looked away. I did not want to talk to him.

As I approached, I felt the anger and disappointment enter my body, letting the sadness fade quickly.

"Hope," I heard him say in a low voice. I did not answer, nor did I look at him. He said my name one more time and like the first time, I did not respond. I just wanted to get home and sleep in my bed. I was freezing. I felt someone grab my wrist and I turned around.

"Do not touch me!" I screamed in a hard tone and tried to pull my hand away from his strong control.

"Hope, please."

"Please, what Justin? I'm not the one who leaves the girl I was having dinner with alone to go hang out with his friends." I was really angry now. I'm not going to stay here and listen to him apologize for not risking his status at school. It was pathetic what he was doing just to keep his title as the most popular boy in school. He was silent and looked down. I had no mercy for him.

"I know you're not like that, but I'm sorry, okay?" He looks me in the eye, but I'm too tired to care a single lament that I will say.

"No Justin, I do not want to hear your stupid apologies, it's too late, but before you go can you answer a question?" I've never been so upset, I was shaking. He nodded his head.

"Why did you drive here when you knew I did not have a car or anything to get home?" He shrugged.

"When you knew I had to walk home by myself you drove this far." I let out a sigh as I raised my voice even louder.

"I'm really sorry."

"Save your breath, Justin," I said, and walked past him. I entered the house and ignored Jake's voice calling me as I went up the stairs. I entered my room after locking the door and going straight to bed. My body was exhausted from walking and shouting at Justin. Soon I fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. It was Monday. The weekend passed quickly after the horrible dinner. Riley sent me a message about dinner but I did not respond, I just wanted to spend some time with my family. I did the normal things like I always do in the mornings and then ate breakfast. I dressed in blue jeans with a white sweater. I put my hair in a bun and a natural make-up.

As I walked to school I felt the horrible butterflies in my stomach. I'm going to see him at school today. Now he will not be alone, now he will have his friends with him. People make you an asshole. Even if they did not know what happened or that we had dinner they were going to remain rude to me. I went in and there were a few students. My eyes widen when I saw Justin standing next to my locker with a smile.


Should Hope let him off the hook again? Or should she just leave him alone

Let me know!

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- Sam 💞

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