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c h a p t e r: 40
u n e d i t e d

I was amazed to see what was in front of me. I was speechless and looked at Justin, who was looking at me with a smile. Immediately I blushed as I glanced at him and he chuckled. He noticed my blush and opened the picnic basket. He took out a blanket and another rose.

"Do you like it?" He asks, handing me the white rose.

I just nodded, still not getting the words for his actions and this nice place. He gestured for me to sit on the blanket as I lit the candle. He sat beside me and put two glasses and some bottles of cider.

"Justin ..." I start, "Justin this is truly beautiful" I looked at him and he gave me a smile.

"Only the best for you and from our horrible first date I thought I had to do something special, to reward you," he said timidly. He gave me a drink and took out a plate of strawberries dipped in chocolate. It was so cute, for making all this effort. He looked as nervous as he took the protective plastic from the strawberries and made me smile.

"Here you go," he said and took a chocolate covered strawberry from the plate. Everything looked so delicious. I took a bite and the heavenly taste came to my taste buds. The taste was so deliciously sweet that I filled my mouth with water.

"So good are they? Then I would love to have one too." I frowned at his words as I did not understand what he was saying but he just smiled at me.

"Gemiste, it sounds very attractive," I blushed, not knowing I had done it. We sat and talked to each other for what seemed like hours. I watched as we laughed at a bad joke he did. So bad it was fun.

"Beautiful ... you look so beautiful in these lights and while you laugh" I blushed.

"G-thank you."

His face was very close to mine and he looked into my eyes. Her facial features were so beautiful with these colorful lights surrounding us. He gave me his very beautiful smile, showing his dimples as he looked me in the eye. She came over and made me nervous, I felt something in my stomach. I felt his lips on mine. I was surprised by his actions but I returned the kiss making him smile. I felt her lips on my lower lip and to be honest I had no idea what to do, I felt embarrassed by this, Justin's was the only one who ever kissed me. I broke the kiss and looked down. I felt Justin's soft fingers on my jaw, tugging at my head so my gaze met hers.

"What?" He asked as he frowned. I just shook my head and looked down again. "Have I done something wrong?"

I shook my head, not daring to speak. He would not want to be with an inexperienced girl like me, who is self-conscious and ugly. He could do much better. He had Selena and Cara standing over him. Why was not he just with them? They could satisfy him.

"Hey, look at me, what's going on?" He asked me and he makes our looks meet.

"It's just that I've never done this" I did not want to look at it, I was truly embarrassed, I ruined the date.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of, baby. Let me show you how to do it."

Slowly I nodded, feeling very nervous. He came over and looked me in the eye.

"Just relax, it'll be okay." He connected our lips and the same feeling in my stomach popped up again. His tongue met my lower lip and I did nothing. What am I supposed to do now? He pulled back and blushed at my embarrassment.

"Open your mouth"

"Oh ... I'm sorry" he chuckled and pressed our lips together once more, he did his thing once more, and this time I opened my mouth a little.

"A little more, baby" he spoke into the kiss and did what he said and his tongue found mine. The sensation in my stomach exploded into millions of butterflies.


It was beautiful how innocent and inexperienced she was. It's something I usually do not like about girls because I want them to know what to do in bed so I can do my thing and go. How cliché that sound, was different with the innocence of Hope, I really liked that I was the one who took a step further with her. 

Her thick pink lips felt soft and really incredible against mine. They were so kissable and just the way his tongue moved with mine felt incredible. I felt the familiar warmth in my body. I thrust myself over her slowly, keeping a hand on her back slowly putting her on the floor on her back. I Place one leg between hers. I had my weight on my forearms placed on the sides of his head. I had one hand on my neck, pulling my hair slightly and the other on my chest. For every minute that passed our kiss turned and nothing around us mattered. I put my knee a little higher up close to its center to get a better balance. I knew that my knee was dangerously close to its center.

Her loose blue shorts rose a little, Showing more of his incredible legs and almost his private area. I put a hand on his waist, slowly put my hand under his shirt to climb to his chest. 


Our sweet kissing session just got warmer and hotter. I really like this, it was nice to do this with him. Knowing that a few weeks ago it bothered me but now when he kissed me he actually felt like he cared about me. He was so kind to me, moving slowly and understanding that I was a newcomer to this. He placed himself over me and I had a handful of his hair in my hand. I had always wondered how his curls felt, as I felt his hand on my waist that slowly rose to my chest beneath my shirt. I took a breath through my nose and my body froze. He noticed it and put his hand away and put it on the other side of my head. Slowly he broke the kiss and looked at me. He gave me a smile and returned the gesture followed by the blush on my cheeks.

"And that's how it's done." He laughed a little and joined me. He slowly got up from me and lay down beside me. 

"Raise your head, honey."

I did as he told me. He put his arm under it to place my head and so I did. We stayed there for a few hours under another blanket to keep us warm, staring at the stars and talking about our future. After a while I felt my eyelids grow heavy and I did something I would not do if I was not so tired, put my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. His head was resting on the top of my head. His breathing became slower and calmer than mine. Then I fell asleep... 

"Hope ... Beautiful, wake up" I felt someone shake me gently as I opened my eyes. Rub my eyes and meet me with a pair of emerald eyes. I looked around and saw trees.

"Did we sleep here?" I frowned at him. My first time sleeping away from home, this way. I looked at Justin and he nodded.

"I think we have to go, do you want breakfast?"

"Yeah, I'm starving." I chuckled as I rubbed my stomach and Justin joined in with laughter. We walked through the trees and when we got to the car driven to a coffee shop. Justin came out and opened the door. We walked inside and stood in line. There were only a few people inside the little shop. The smell of tea, coffee, food and hot chocolate filled my nostrils. Then the silence between Justin and I was broken by the sound of my rumbling stomach.

"Oh god," I said as I growled at my stomach and blushed. Justin chuckled as he looked around the room to see if anyone noticed, luckily nobody did.

"Someone is a bit hungry" Justin said as I felt his hand rub my back and I joined him. We took our order, I ordered a cup of green tea and a bagel, Justin ordered the same but with an English breakfast. We took a seat in a booth and talked. 

"Hope, this may sound crazy and I think I know the answer, but I just want to ask."
He nervously looked down and took a deep breath. He frowned as he looked.  "What?" I Take a sip of my tea.

"I was wondering if maybe ... you wanted, uhm ... to be my girlfriend?"

My eyes widened in shock. Did you just ask me to be your girlfriend? Me, Hope, an ex-harassed girl with the most popular boy in school who a couple of weeks ago bothered me. The horrible memories appeared but the memories of the previous night made me question whether to say yes or no.

"Justin, I'm sorry but no"

-Sam ❤️

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