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c h a p t e r: 26
u n e d i t e d

I heard their laughter getting closer and closer to where Cindy and I were. Riley walked toward us. I did not want to turn around. I panicked inside. The idea of ​​having to go through what I did yesterday frightened me and made me dizzy. I turned around and met Justin's gaze. He had that horrible smile on his face.

I felt Cindy's arm around my waist, pulling me toward her. Riley stood beside me and I felt very safe. Justin looked back at his friends and everyone laughed.

"Oh somebody thinks she's safe just because she has two friends, and Cindy my man, I never thought you'd be with a trash can like her" he chuckled.

"I was never your man Justin, I'm not a fag's friend," Cindy retaliated.

Cindy could defend herself. She had nothing to fear. She was popular perhaps not as popular as Justin, but still. Cindy was attractive and almost as tall as Justin, standing at about 5 feet, 10 inches. She is also very good when it comes to muscles. I think Cindy has a little more muscle than Justin to be honest, so she really has nothing to fear.

"What did you call me?" Justin walked over to Cindy. Only a few inches from her face.

"Faggot." Cindy said with a smile on her face. Justin pushed at Cindy's chest but barely moved.

She looked at him and pushed back at Justin.

After a few minutes, the two were in a fight and the people were shouting and applauding. I was in shock and I tried to stop them but they did not care.

"Students stop!" Our director shouted and they stopped. He stood in the middle of them with an angry look.

"You are adults, I can not tolerate things like this at my school, something more, and you two will be suspended for 3 weeks, is that clear?" Mr. Fox is an incredible but strict director. He was never afraid to give someone a punishment for something bad. He was about 45 years old, with brown hair and always wearing suits. Both of them murmured a yes and Mr. Fox walked away.

"Cindy, you did not need to do that"

"I'm not a friend of someone who goes to bed with everything that moves and harasses people. And I also told you that I'll always be there for you," she said. Riley cleared her throat.

"Oh Cindy, this is Riley, she's my friend." She smiled at me and pulled out her hand and Cindy shook it with a smile.

"Pleased to meet you, Riley." She smiled and she returned the gesture.

"We have to go to class, but we walk home together?" I asked her and she nodded.

She walked away and went to her group of friends whilst Riley and I went to class.

"This is it Hope, she's perfect for you." Riley said and I blushed.

"We're not together," I said. After our class we walked to the cafeteria.

"I just have to go to the bathroom before I'm okay." She nodded and she followed me into the bathroom.

"I'll wait outside for you." I nodded and went inside. I entered a booth and after finishing I left. I heard the crack of the door open.

"Riley, I'm out!" I said and blushed and walked out of the door. When I looked around the room, it was empty. I washed my hands and looked in the mirror. My eyes opened and my breath caught in my throat. In the corner of the room stood Justin.

"J-Justin." He chuckled as I stuttered his name. He came up to me and I turned around. He pushed my body against the cold wall of tiles. I had my mouth slightly open because of my heavy breathing, wide eyes and a heart pounding against my chest.

"Cindy interrupted our little moment before," he pushed me harder on the wall as he spoke.

"Please." I let out a small moan.

"What did you say? I did not hear you bitch"

"Please," I said a little louder this time.

"I'm afraid I can not, I just started." He lifted me and let go of something that made him fall to the floor. I screamed in pain. He went to the door and closed it. I started to breathe faster and faster. I was close to a panic attack. I had some of them in my past and I did not like them. I tried to calm my breathing with deep breaths but it did not work, the air felt too thick.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I looked at Justin who was sitting on his knees in front of me. I felt my pulse rise and I needed fresh air and a little time alone. I felt dizzy, hot, my arms were shaking slightly and my mouth was dry. The room felt smaller by the minute. I felt the tears in my eyes.

"Hope, what the hell is going on?" He lifted my face so I could look at him. He looked very worried and guilty. Then everything turned black.


Justin! Come on!

We keep giving you chances! Come onnnn what did you do now?

Let me know what you think happened

- Sam 💞

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