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c h a p t e r: 39
u n e d i t e d

I woke up to someone calling my name. I tried to ignore it and I turned on my bed but the call did not stop. I Let out a loud moan as the shouts came closer.

"Hope, wake up!" Jake's voice echoed in my ears and I let out another groan as I turned to look at him.

"What?" I asked in a sleepy voice, my eyes closed almost asleep. I just wanted to go back to sleep.

"You have company?" I opened one of my eyes and I looked at it

"Who? What time is it?" I sat up and rubbed my eyes. He chuckled at the zombie in front of him and I just wanted to tell him to shut up, but I'm glad he finds this funny.

"Riley, and it's 1pm, so stay put asleep you can not sleep all Sunday." He chuckled and left. Hurriedly I dressed in sweatpants and one of Jake's shirts. I sprinkled some cold water on my face, and I pick up my hair in a messy bun and then go downstairs.

"Hey Hope, how you feeling?" she greeted me with a big smile and I smiled back. I smelled the food they were preparing and I heard my parents talking in the kitchen with Jake.

"Cool?" I told her when I stood in front of her.

"I'm sorry but your brother is a hot piece of man," Riley said in a day dream. Her eyes were still stuck on my brother Jake, who was laughing with our parents on the other side of the island table. I snap my fingers in her face with a laugh.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to come and see how you were. I mean from yesterday, what happened? Oh and I'm so sorry that I had to leave." She finished, giving me an apologetic smile.

"Hope, who is this?" My mother asked from the kitchen.

"These are your parents? Can I ... meet them?" She asked with enthusiasm and I nodded. We walked inside and into the kitchen.

"Mom, Dad this is Riley, my friend." He smiled at both of them and their faces brightened with happiness. I guess they're happy for me to finally have a friend.

"Oh nice to meet you Riley, Hope has been talking a lot about you." Riley first greets my mother and then my father.

"I'm very happy you got yourself a friend." My father said and he looked at me. He had that happy spark in his eyes just like my mother and brother.

"Riley, you met Jake at the entrance but yes that's my brother" I point at him and gave him a smile while shaking his head. We walked to the living room, sat down and talked.

"So answer me, what happened?"

"He came and calmed my semi panic attack" memories of him hugging me and kissing that little meeting made me blush.

"And something else happened, I suppose." She raised her eyebrows and she saw my blush and I nodded.

"He kissed me," I whispered so my family would not listen. Her eyes widened and she smiled. My blush did not fade, it only became darker. "And then he asked me to go on a date tonight."

Her mouth opened and her eyes got even larger than before, if possible. She did not say anything just sat there with a surprised expression on her face.

"After what he did?"

I know she looked crazy, like she was about to be hit by a truck. I told her everything and I knew she was happy. Even when I was in shock I knew she was happy and excited.

"He stopped in the middle of the street? Damn, he's crazy, but he's cute in a crazy way."

I nodded. We talked more and she told me to be careful about what happened last time. After a few hours of conversation and laughter she left when the clock ticked at 6.

"Hope, your father and I are going to work now. I do not know when we are going to come back tomorrow because there are a few operations and such. However, we are going to come back tomorrow. Jake will be at home I believe or will go to Hannah's house.I love you" She kissed my cheek and gave me a hug and so did my father.


I ran to my room and jumped into the shower. I shaved everything, washed my body in shower gel and washed my hair. I stepped out of the shower and covered my body in my body vanilla lotion set. I dried my hair and went to my closet, no idea what to wear. The clock was still running, it was already 7 o'clock. I wore loose navy shorts with a white top and white sneakers. I put on some jewelry and I arranged my curls in a type of bow and I put on some natural makeup. I heard a honk and ran for my wallet and left the house. I saw Justin there with a rose in his hand. Like the last time, this can not be good.

"Hello beautiful." His voice made me blush and I smiled. "This is for you and I know our dinner started this way, but I promise it will not be like that again."

He gave me the rose and took it. I could smell the lovely scent of the beautiful rose. I opened the door and entered. We walked away and I felt the nervousness taking over my body.

"Where are we going?" I asked curiously and he chuckled.

"It's a surprise"

I could not ignore the fact that the last time was also a surprise but set it apart. We drove for 30 minutes and pulled into an empty parking lot surrounded by a deep forest. "You're going to kill me?" I said softly and he laughed at my question.

"No, I will not kill you, who do you think I am?" He chuckled and left and opened my door. I left and he opened the back seat and took a basket. I frowned at him.

"Will we have a picnic in the parking lot?" I frowned and he laughed again as he shook his head.

"Come here" he took his hand out for me to take. I took it and walked inside the forest. In fact, I was scared. It was dark and in the forest everything was ten times darker. Sound was heard here and there that made my heart beat louder and faster. I saw some light in the forest and walked towards it. We came to the light and I felt all my air leaving my body and my eyes opening. There were fairy lights everywhere in a dim light creating a wall around us, a large towel in the center with two lit candles.

"For you."

The Senior - j.b Where stories live. Discover now