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c h a p t e r: 19
u n e d i t e d

We said goodbye and I walked to Riley car. I walked with a smile when I jumped inside, she had a frown. "What happened?" she starts the ignition and we drove away.

I told her about Justin's apology and that he wanted to take me out to dinner. She squealed and started to clap her hands that made me have to remind her to keep her hands on the wheel. She dropped me off at my place and we said goodbye.

I walked inside and did some homework then I fell asleep on my bed.

I woke up by the sound of rain hit my window I looked at the clock, 5am. Great. I let out a deep sigh as I lay on my back. It was Friday today and tomorrow would be the day when Justin and I would be eating dinner. I don't know where we are eating, or what I should wear. i could ask him today at school but my brain warned me that it could be like last time.

Maybe I can wear my black pen skirt and some thintights because it's both casual and a bit dressed up the my black rolling stones suit, which will be great.

My alarm snaps me out of my thoughts and I do my morning routine for school. It's not so much people when I arrive but it slowly gets more and more.

I see Justin walking in with Carter so I try not to get their attention, or at least not Carter's.

"pukey" I heard Ciara shout through the hall and both Justin and Carter turns to me.

I sigh and give ciara the most bitchiest smile I could muster. "what?" I snap at her, not in the mood for her and her threats against me.

She doesn't say anything, she just laughs and walks toward Carter and Justin.

All I see before I look away is Carter rolling his eyes at her. I looked through the English book awaiting for Riley to arrive.

'Hey Justin, I was wondering if we could have fun tomorrow'

'no, I'm busy Ciara.'

'Justy please, I have someone that wants to meet you.'

'Okay beat it ciara, Justin doesn't like you'

I block their voices out and give the book more attention. The book contains huge amount of popular and great quotes. I feel liked this book and give much knowledge and guidence. "Hi hope,"

"Hi Riley," I didn't look up at her, I just continued to read. She chuckled and then she walks up to her locker to get her books.

"come on now bookworm we start in a few." I close the book and give her a smile.

"bookworm huh?" we both chuckle and walked to class. After class we walked to the cafeteria and Riley can't let go the dinner I have tomorrow, go.

"so are you nervous" she asks as we sit down.

"yeah" I said as I blushed and then took a bite from the horrible school food.

"do you think he will kiss you again?" Riley asked and I blushed harder.

"who's going to kiss pukey?" Ciara asks out of nowwhere.

"nobody you need to know." Riley snaps at her.

"look everypne, Hope had a little secret boyfriend who would've thought of that?" ciara shouted in the whole carfeteria, making everyone laugh. Justin and his friends looked over in our direction. He had a stern look at me, this is first time he doesn't smile at me at lunch.

"shut up Ciara." I snap at her.

"oh pukey did you say something?"

"I said shut the hell up Ciara" I said louder and I think the majority of the room heard and a few 'oohs' came from them.

Riley and I rose and walked out from the cafeteria. We walked to our last class and said some jokes to forget about Ciara.

"bye Hope, have fun tomorrow night." Riley said before we went separate ways and I walked extra slow to see if Justin would catch up, which he did.

"Hey love." his words gave me chills and butterflies in mystomach.

"Hey Justin."

"Let's go!" he said and we started to walk. We talked about everything. I realized how easy he was to talk to. He said some bad jokes, so bad you laughed at them because you felt sorry for him

"about the date, where are you taking me?" I asked shyly.

"Its a suprise love." Justim said smirking.

"Can't I get a hint because I need to know how to dress."

"Dress as you want, and here's your house. I'll pick you up at six." He winked and walked away.

That night went on pretty quickly and I went to bed, excited for tomorrow. I fell asleep fast and dreamed about the honey brown eyes boy.

I woke up around 11 and I took a bath. It was the weekend and tonight was special so I fixed everything. I still hadn't told my parents. I didn't want to because both my father and my brother didn't like Justin. When I was done, I read some pages in The Hatchet, then got up to get dressed. I picked out my black skirt, tights, the Rolling Stones shirt and I did my normal makeup. Some eyeliner and lipgloss. My preparation got interrupted but my phone.

From: Riley

Have fun tonight, you need to tell me everything on Monday ;)

I texted her back and walked down into the living room. I was lucky that both my parents worked the whole night. Now I just needed to tell Jake about the dinner.

"Jake I won't be home tonight, I'm going to dinner with a friend" I said to him while he was focusing on the football game.

"Mm" he just said and started to scream at the TV. Yeah, like they could hear him. I opened the front door but got stopped by Jake's voice.

"Wait what? What friend?"

"Just a friend Jake it's okay, And I will be careful." I heard him sigh.

"Okay just be home at 11." Thank god football was on TV or else this would be hard. I walked outside and saw the familiar Black Range Rover and the familiar dirty blonde hair next to it and in his hand was a white rose.


Hey guys !

Thanks for reading so far! Make sure to like, comment, and add suggestions!

- Sam 💞

Edit: "Dress as you want, and here's your house." HERES YOUR HOUSE? WHEN WOULD SOMEONE SAY THAT 😭😭 I need to come back

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