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c h a p t e r: 18
u n e d i t e d

That hurt, and I looked down. Blinking fast so the tears will go away. I didn't want to cry in front of them. It will make everything worse.

"Stop with the nerd talk and go." Nash said as the others started to talk with each other and ignore me. I walked back to riley who stood at out lockers with a frown.

"What happened?" She asked as we walked towards the class.

"He said that he didn't have the assignment..."


"He said that he didn't want to spend time with me, nor that he ever did."

"No way. He did not." We sat down in the class room.

"Don't listen to what he said, he's just saying that because he has his friends around him. Yesterday when I told Matt that we needed to drive past your house, before getting coffee, Justin said that he would give them to you. He volunteered."

"Wait.. You and Matthew had coffee?" She chuckled and told me the whole story until the teacher walked in as the class started.

After some history talk with Mr. Steel, we had some lunch and since our math teacher was sick and they didn't have the possibility to get another teacher to our lesson, they decided on giving us a free period.

"so you and Matthew huh? Are you dating?" I asked and she smiled. "no we aren't dating, at least to my understanding. Hope, he's one of the most popular guys in school and he can get any girl he wants, why would he pick me?"

"because you're awesome, funny, nice, pretty, and kind." she smiled at my words. "thank you hope, you're a true friend and I'm sorry about Justin."

Familiar voices came inside the shop we were currently eating at. I didn't dare to turn around. I knew who was here.

"there's Pukey, looks like she's stalking you Justin." Carter shouted and then it was followed by laughter. I let out a deep sigh. I looked at them while they came closer.

"beat it Carter" Riley said and looked at me

"oh its a free country slut, I'll stand to mock this girl whenever I want." he snapped at her.

"hey don't talk to her like that." Justin looked at Carter with a stern look.

"calm your tits mate." Carter said and looked at Riley and gave her an apologizing smile.

They walked away and took a table on the other side of the cafe. We walked outside and I felt a tap on your shoulder. I turned around at and saw Justin.

"what? Are you here to harass me some more?" I snapped at him.

"No. I wanted to talk to you, in private." he looked to Riley.

"I'll wait in the car" she gave me a smile and then walked away.

I turned to look at him. He looked as flawless like he always does. "what do you want to talk about." I asked him with annoyance laced into my words.

"I wanted to apologize for earlier and then to ask you if you would like to go to dinner with me sometime, maybe on Saturday?" he looked at his hands, like that was the most interesting thing.

"I thought that you didn't spend time on people like me." I spat back and he sighed, looking up at me.

"I said I'm sorry, okay? So would you?" even if he said that in the hall made me think about when he was at my place and when we walked after school, how kind hew was away from his friends.

I got close to him and whispered in his ear. "go fuck yourself." I slowly started to walk away from him when I felt a hand on my wrist.

I turned back to Matthew giving the best puppy dog eyes I've ever seen. He got on one knee.

"Please, Hope. would you go on a date with me on Saturday?"


I need to add more to this! I'm sorry guys, please leave me some comments, likes, and suggestions!

Thank you

- Sam 💞

The Senior - j.b Where stories live. Discover now